At Long Last, Charlotte is Free
- Date
- 1767-02-12
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- French
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
childhooddeathfamilyfree people of colorkinshipmanumissionmotherhoodreligion
- LHC Scans
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
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- Publication Date
- 9-Aug-24
- Suggested Citation
- "At Long Last, Charlotte is Free," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024,
- Related Records
Charlotte Maps Avenues to Freedom
Last will and testament of enslaver Antoine Meuillion includes the manumission of Charlotte and her two children, Louis and Helene. Charlotte and Louis were promised their freedom 21 years earlier when Meuillion declared before the Registry of the Superior Council that Charlotte and Louis would be free upon his death or if he left Louisiana for France.
Transcription (French, diplomatic)
[feuille 1 recto] [digital 1]
- f.[évrie]er
- Testament du
S.r Meuillon
[Signé:] Duvergés
[Signé:] Ducroy
No> 2032.
Aujourdhuÿ Douzieme fevrier mil Sept Cent Soixante
et sept Neuf heures du soir a La Requisition au
S.r antoine Meuillion ancien chirurgien habitant
aux Cannez brulléez de present en sa Maizon située
en cette ville nous Notaire Roÿal De La province
de La Louisiane Resident a La N[ouve]lle orleans sommes
transporté en La.d.[it]e Maizon avec Les temoins Bas nommés
et sousignés ouEtant ete etant Enlevé dans une chambre
a Coté de La salle donant sur Le derriere avons trouvé
Le dit Sieur Meuillon dans Son Lit MaLade de Corps
mais sain despirit memoire et Entendement ainsi
quil a apparü a Nous Notaire et aux dits temoins
Lequel nous auroit Dit que scachant quil n’y a
Rien de plus Certain que La mort, et Craignant
Lheure dit elle, il desireroit disposer par ordonance
de Derniere volonté de ses affaires, et en Consequence
nous auroit Requis, de Recevoir son testament
quil nous a dicté nommé ainsi quil suit
Premierement comme christien Catholique apostolique
et Romain a Recommandé Son ame a Dieu Le
priant par Les Merites de La passion de Notre Seigneur
Jesus Christ La places au rang des Bienheureux
Aussitot quelle sera separée de Son Corps implorant
pour cet effet Lintercession. de La S.[ain]te Vierge de tous
Les Saints et son patron pour que par Leur Intercession
cette Grace Luÿ soit accordér.__
Item Veut et entend estre inhumé dans Le Cimetière
de cette paroisse ou dans Celuÿ de Cette vu il decedera_
avoir mi n’y De pompe qu’on faire si pourra son
raportant a La Direction De son Executeur testament
aura Cÿ aprés nommés
[f. 1 verso] [dig.2]
Item veut et Entend ses dettes estre paÿées et tous
reparú Si aucuns se trouvent.
Item Donne et Legue aLa maizon de charité de
Cette ville LaSomme de Cinq Cent Livres en Reel
une fois paÿée Ce que sera fait par son Legataire
Item donne et Legue a Leglise de S.t charles aux
allemands pareille Somme de Cinq Cent Livres une
fois paÿée pour faire prier a dieu pour Le Repos de
Lame de francoise du buisson sa defunte femme
Item donne Et Legue a La fille ainée du S.r S.t amant
nommée nanette La somme de Mille Livres aussi en
Réel une fois paÿéé.
Item Donne et Legue a Antoine fils du S.r dominique
St. amant pareille Somme de Mille Livres en Réel
une fois paÿées
Item Donne et Legue a ses freres et soeurs ou Leurs heirs
et aÿant Cause et pretendant droit dans sa succession
tout Ce qui peut Luÿ Revient tout du Cote paternel que
du Coté maternal en tels biens que Ce puisse estre Meubles
ou immeubles suivant Les üs ou Coutumes des Lieux
ou ils se trouveront situéz, voulant quils soient quant
a Ce sentiment ses Legataires particulliers sans quaucun
deux puisse rien demander ni pretendre dans sa
succession outre Ce qui dessüs ni dans ses autres Biens
meubles ou immeubles de quelques nature quils
puissant estre et en quelquautre Lieu Quils puissent
estre situéz..
Item afait et Institués fait et instîtue pour son
Legataire universel Louis augustin Meuillon Son
fils; et En Cas de Mort du d[i]t Louis augustin Meuillon
comme etant absent il nomme et substitué Le Sieur
[f .2r] [dig.3]
Enemond Meuillon son frere ou ses heirs issüs et proueréz
de son Corps ses enfans, Et aux enfant de sa soeur___
alegante, qui dans Le Cas de Morts de son dit fils oü
de son dit frere partageront autour sa succession
par Egaller portion cest a dire tous Les Biens quil
pourroit Luÿ Regle dans Cette Colonie après son
decés auxquel Cas et advenant que son dit frere
ses enfans ou Celle de sa dite soeur vinssent a amender
Lad[it]e. succession, ils seront tenu de paÿer et donner
a Leglise de S.t pierre de Moiran En dauphine La
Somme de Mille Livres pour Server a faire prier
Dieu pour Le Repos de L’ame de Defunts Son pere
et sa Mere, et pour La Sien[n]e..
Item Donne et Legue au Sieur Ennemond Meuillon
son neveu actuellement dans Ce pay La somme de
Mille Livres en Reel, qui Luÿ sera paÿée tous Les ans
Jusqu’a Ceque son fils arrive, ou que sa succession
sou amendée En recompanse des bons soins et peines
quil voudra bien se Donner et prendre de son
Et pour Executer sa presente ordonnance de Derniere
volonté, a nommé et nomme, Institué et
Institue pour son Executeur testamentaire Le Sieur
pierre Daspie dit St. amant, ou en Cas de mort et
a son deffaut Le Sieur dominique daspie d[i]t St. amant
son frere ; Les prian[t]s de vouloir bien s’en charger
et Luÿ donner cette derniere Marque du Leur
Bonne volonté et affection quils Luÿ ont toujours
tesmoignée ; En faveur de L’un desquels a
de Lautre, il remet et se dessaisit de tenus ses biens
Jusques a Ce quils soient Reclamés par ses héritiers
[f. 2v] [dig.4]
Cÿ dessüs nommés et que Leurs Ministers aura prés
fús; En Recompance du quel Service il Donne
et Legue a Celuÿ qui se trouvera chargé de Lexecution
de son present testament La somme de quatre Cent
Livres Reels par chaque année, et Durant Sa
Gestion seulement pour Lindemniser des peines
et soins quil voudras bien prendre pour La presente
Item veut et Entend que Le Sieur Ennemond Meuillon
son neveu gere son habitation au meilleur avantage
de ses Legataires, jusqua ce qu’ils Viennent eux
méme sen emparer ou envoÿent des pouvoirs
Cependant prü Le Sr. St. amant ou Lun deux
de L[‘]aÿder de Leurs Conseils et de Leurs avis Recommandant
a son dit Neveu de Les Ecrituers et Les Suiore
Item nous a dit et Declaré que tous Ce que dessus
testamentaire davoir soin de charlotte Negresse Libre
et ses Deux enfan[t]s Louis Mulatre et helene sa soeur
aussi Libre et Ce a Cause des bons et agreeablez
services quil en a Recu de tout temps:
Veut aussi et Entend que Le present testament
Soit Executé en sa forme et teneur Comme etant
sa derniere volonté, Revoquant a cet effet
tous autres testamen[t]s ou Codiclles quil auroit
cy devant fait voulant que Ce present
subsiste seul Comme etant Lordonnance
de Sa derniere volonte La quelle il nous a
dicté et Nommé Luÿ méme et a Luÿ Lü et
Relü en presance de Messieurs arnout et
Gaillardÿ Negociants Demeurant en Cette dite
Ville, fait dicté et nommé En Lad.[it]es
Maison et chambre, Le Susdit Jour
[f. 3r] [dig.5]
mois et an presance des dits Sieurs arnout et
Gaillardÿ Negociants et ont Signéz avec Le
testateur et Nous Notaire Soussigné
[Signé:] b. Gailllardy
[Signé:] A. MeuiLLion
[Signé:] J. arnou
[Signé:] Garic Notaire
Aujourdhuÿ quatorze fevrier mil Sept Cent
soixante et Septs quatre heures de Relevée est
Comparu par devant Nous Notaire Roÿal de La
province de La Louisiane Sr. pierre daspie dit
St. amant Lequel aÿant pry communicatîon
Du testament y autres partes et prq Etant Vü nommé
et Institué Executeur testamentaire pour temoigner
Laffection et amitié quil avôu pour Le Sr. Meuillein
son beaupere ; a biens voulu par ces presentes acceptes
Lad[it]e. charge, comme de fait il Laccepte et promet
faire son devoir enicelui, de quoy nous a Requis
acte que nous Luÿ avons octroÿé fait et declaré
en Etudes a La N[ouve]lle. orleans Le Susdit Jour mois et an
presance des Sieurs Gardrat et francis Gaudreau
tesmoins Requis ÿ demeurants et ont signé avec
Le Comparant et Nous Notaire
[Signé:] saintamant
[Signé:] Garic, No[tai]r[e]
Translation (English, modern)
[page #1] [digital 1]
[Marginal note:]
February 2
- Will of
Sieur Meuillion
[Signed:] Duvergés
[Signed:] Ducroy
No. 2032
Today [the] twelfth [of] February seventeen hundred sixty seven, [at] nine o’clock in the evening at the requisition of Sieur Antoine Meuillion, former surgeon living in Cannes Brulées, at present in his house situated in this city, we—[with the] royal notary of the Province of Louisiana, based in New Orleans— weretransported to the aforementioned house with the witnesses named belowand undersigned, where being taken [away] into a room next to the room overlooking the back, found the said Sieur Meuillon in his bed sick of bodybut sound in mind, memory, and reason—as he appeared to us, notary and said witnesses—who had told us that, knowing that there is nothing more certain than death, and fearing the hour [death] calls, he would desire to dispose of his belongings by order of his last will [and testament], and consequently required of us to receive his testament that was dictated to us, as named, as follows:First [and foremost] as a Christian—[a] Catholic, Apostolic and Roman—[he] has given over his soul to God, praying Him, by the merits of the passion of Our LordJesus Christ, that [his soul] be placed among the ranks of the Most Holy, as soon as [his soul] is separated from his body, imploring for the purpose [of] this, intervention by theHoly Virgin, of allthe Saints, and his Patron [Saint], so that through Their [Divine] Will such Grace be accorded to him.
Also, [he] wills and intends to be buried in the cemetery of this parish, or in that of [the one in] which he will die, to have no pomp be made, which we can do if possible, his adding to the directive of his executor of [last] testament will have, [who is] after named.
[p. #2] [dig.2]
Also, [he] wills and intends his debts to be paid and all [of those he is indebted to] redressed if any are found.
Also, [he] gives and bequeaths to the house of charity of this city the sum of five hundred livres in real [money] paid once, which will be done by his residuary legatee.
Also, [he] gives and bequeaths to the Church of St. Charles of Des Allemands an equal sum of five hundred livres, paid once, to pray to God for the rest of the soul of Françoise Dubuisson, his late wife.
Also, [he] gives and bequeaths to the eldest daughter of Sieur St. Amant, named Nanette, the sum of one thousand livres also in real [money], paid once.
Also, [he] gives and bequeaths to Antoine, son of Sieur Dominique St. Amant, an equal sum of one thousand livres in real [money], paid once.
Also, [he] gives and bequeaths to his brothers and sisters, or their heirs, and having cause and claiming [their] right in his [line of] succession, all that which can appertain to him from both the paternal and maternal side in such goods, be they movable or immovable, following the usage or customary law of the place where they will find themselves situated, wanting that they shall be—according to this intention—his titular legatees, without any of the two [sides of] them able to ask nor to claim anything in his succession beyond that which is [stated] above, nor of any other property, movable or immovable, of whatever nature they may be,and in whichever place that they may be situated.
Also, [he] has made and instituted for his residuary legatee, Louis Augustin Meuillon, his son, and in the case of [the] death of the said Louis Augustin Meuillon, being that he is absent, he names as substitutes the Sieur
[p. #3] [dig.3]
Ennemond Meuillion, his brother—or [in his absence] his heirs descended [from] and proven [to be] of his body (his children) and an alleged child of his sister, who in the case of [the] death of his aforementioned son, or [that] of his said brother, will in turn share of his estate, by equal portion—meaning all the property which could be inherited accordingly from him in this colony after his death, in which case, and in the event that his said brother, his children, or that of his said sister come to amend the said [line of] succession, they will be obligated to pay and donate to the Church of Saint-Pierre-de-Moirans in Dauphiné [Province of France] the sum of one thousand livres to serve as prayer to God for the rest of the souls of his late father and mother, and for his own [soul].
Also, [he] gives and bequeaths to Sieur Ennemond Meuillon, his nephew currently in this country, the sum of one thousand livres in real [money], that will be paid to him annually until his son arrives, or until his [line of] succession is amended, in recompense for the good care and trouble that he will lend himself to and take for his estate. And to execute this present order of last will [and testament], [he] has named and appointed, instituted and established as his testamentary executor of the will Sieur Pierre Daspie dit St. Amant, or in case of [the executor’s] death and, as his default, Sieur Dominique Daspie dit St. Amant, his brother; Praying them to kindly take charge of it [the will] and give to him this last mark of their good will and affection, ast they have always showed him; By right of each, in the absence of the other, he shall remit and relinquish possession of his property until it is claimed by his heirs.
[p. #4] [dig.4]
Named below and which [are] his administrators have, in recompense for which service he gives and leaves to the person who will find himself charged with the execution of his present [will and] testament the sum of four hundred livres real [money] for each year, and during [the period of] its [the will’s] management, in order to compensate him for the troubles and cares that he will kindly take for the present execution.
Also, [he] wills and intends that Sieur Ennemond Meuillon, his nephew, manages his estate to the greatest advantage of his heirs, until they themselves come to take possession of it or transfer powers. Nevertheless, pray the Sieur St. Amant or one of them will help him with their counsel and their opinion recommending to his nephew the Scriptures and [to] follow them.
Also, [he] said and declared to us that all of the above bequest, to take care of Charlotte, free négresse, and her two children, Louis, mulatre, and his sister Helene, also free, and [that] this [is] because of the good and pleasant services he has always received: [He] also wills and intends that the present testament be executed in its form and content as his last will, revoking to this effect all other testaments or addendums that he may have previously made, wishing that this present [testament] alone may function as the provisions of his last will, which he dictated and named to us himself and [which he] himself read and re-read in the presence of Monsieurs Arnoult and Gaillardy, merchants residing in this said city. Made, dictated, and named in the said house and bedroom, the aforesaid day
[p. #4] [dig.5]
month, and year, in the presence of the said Sieurs Arnoult and Gaillardy, merchants, and signed with the testator and our notary, undersigned.
[Signed] B[arthélémy] Gaillardy
[Signed:] A[ntoine] Meuillion
[Signed:] J[ean] Arnoult
[Signed:] [Jean-Baptiste] Garic, Notary
Today [the] 14th [of] February seventeen hundred sixty seven at four o’clock in the afternoon appeared before us, [and the] Royal Notary of the Province of Louisiana, Sieur Pierre Daspie dit St. Amant who having taken communication of the will to other parts, and for being seen appointed and instituted executor of the will to testify the affection and goodwill that he avows for the Sieur Meuillion, his stepfather; has wished to make known [publicly that he will] accept the said charge, [and] as such [that] he accepts it and promises to do his duty in it, of all that has required [us to] act, which we grant him, made and declared in the ministerial office at New Orleans, the aforementioned day, month and year in the presence of Sieurs Gaudrat and Francis Gaudreau, required witnesses residing there and signed with the person appearing in court and our notary.
[Signed:] [Pierre Daspie dit] St. Amant
[Signed:] [Jean-Baptiste] Garic, Notary