Charlotte Maps Avenues to Freedom
- Date
- 1746-02-01
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- French
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
- LHC Scans
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
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- Publication Date
- 9-Aug-24
- Suggested Citation
- "Charlotte Maps Avenues to Freedom," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024,
- Related Records
At Long Last, Charlotte is Free
In 1746, Charlotte, an enslaved woman of the Senegal nation, and her two-year old son, Louis, were granted conditional freedom by their enslaver Antoine Meuillion, surgeon and resident at Pointe Coupée, for Charlotte’s good and agreeable services. Meuillion had purchased Charlotte five years earlier from the enslaver Louis Riché. The condition was that they would only enjoy their freedom once Meuillon died or left the country for France. In this document, Meuillion petitions the Governor and Attorney General to confirm Charlotte and Louis’s conditional manumission.
Transcription (French, diplomatic)
[feuille 1 recto] [digital 2]
1746 p.[remi]er fevrier meulion Liberté accordee Charlote negresse Et son fils f 30
(27145.) Au~jourdhuy premier fevrier Mil Sept Cent Quarante Six Est Comparu En Etudes Mr. Antoine Meuillion Chirurgien habitant a La pointe Coupé Lequel___ Nous a dit et declaré que pour les bons et agreables Services que Luy a rendues et Luy Rend Journellement___ Charloste Negresse Son Esclave de nation Senegal Laquelle__ a un Enfant Nommé Louis agé denviron deux ans ne croit pouvoir meme La Recompensser quen Luy___ donnent La liberté tout a Elle que Son Enfant bien Entendu que pendant Le tems quil Restera dans cette Colonie Lad.[i]te Esclave Le Servira En Lad.[i]te qualité dEsclave Nentendant quelles Jouisse de lad[i]te Liberté que en___ Cas quil passe En france ou quil Vient a deceder dans cette Colonie Suppliant estat Cas Messieurs Les Gouverneurs et Commissaires ordonnateurs qui Se trouveront en place de vouloir bien Luy Confirmer lad.[i]te Liberté a Leffet den joüir elle et Les siens ainsy que tous Les affranchis Sujets de Sa Majesté Suivant Les Loyx et ordonnances declarant de plus avoir aquis Lad[i]te Esclave de Louis Riché__ a qui Il Les payé Comptant Il y a environ Cinq ans pour sureté de tout quoy nous a Requis++ de la presente pour Servir et valoir a telles fins que de Raison A la N[ouve]lle Orleans Le Susd[it] jour mois et an +acte
[Signé:] A: MeuL’L’ion [Signé:] henry Greffe [Rubrica, Henry]
Translation (English, modern)
[page #1] [digital 2]
[Marginal note:]
1746 February 1 Meuillion Freedom granted Charlotte négresse and her son f 30
(27145.) Today, [the] first [of] February, one-thousand seven-hundred forty-six, [having] appeared at [the] ministerial office, Monsieur Antoine Meuillion,surgeon residing at Pointe Coupé[e], who said and declared to us that, for the good and pleasant services that he has received and which he enjoys daily [from]Charlotte, négresse, his slave of [the] Senegal nation, who has a child named Louis, around two years old, [he] does not believe he could reward her [enough] even [by] giving her total freedom and the freedom of her child,[that] naturally it is noted, as long as he will stay in this colony, the aforesaid slave will serve him in the capacity of slave, noting that they may only enjoy the aforesaid liberty in the case that he returns to France or that he dies in this colony. Begging the status [of the] case, Messieurs, Governors and commissaires-ordonnateurs, who finding themselves able might kindly confirm to him the aforesaidliberty, that she [Charlotte] and hers [her dependent] may enjoy it in the same way as all the freed subjects of His Majesty.
Following the laws and ordinances, declaring also that he acquired the aforementioned slave of Louis Riché,whom he paid in cash/upfront, approximately five years ago, for assurance of everything required of us++ in the present [act] to serve and function for such purposes as reasonable in New Orleans the aforementioned day month and year +act
[Signed:] A[ntoine] Meuillion [Signed:] [Nicolas] Henry, Notary [Rubric, Henry]