Notorious and Free Black Women
- Date
- 1773-10-19
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- Spanish
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
emancipationfree people of colorcollaborationfreedom suitkinship
- LHC Scans
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
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- Publication Date
- 9-Aug-24
- Suggested Citation
- "God's Extravagant Grace," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024,
Naneta, mulata libre, petitions the Spanish judiciary in a freedom suit for her kin, Maturine, negra, enslaved by Alexandre Boré. Not only does Boré refuse to grant Maturine her freedom, he countersues Naneta, claiming that he should not be forced to comply with these coartación proceedings. It is his opinion that Maturine has done nothing of value to gain her freedom, nor is she able to be considered worthy of the grace of liberty. Boré further accuses them both of being criminals, while declaring before the court that he, on the other hand, is a good and honorable man.
Transcription (Spanish, diplomatic)
[folio 0 recto] [digital 2]
Pruevas 1773___
De D.n Alexandro Bauré
Naneta Mulata Libre
[Rubrica, Almonester]
N.o 16 N 3808
[moderno, en lápiz azul] #291
[moderno, a lápiz] Oct 29 1773
[f. 0 verso] [dig.3]
[f. 1r] [dig.4]
D.n Alex.dro Boré por mi poder en los autos Seguidos
contra mi por Naneta mulata Libre___ Sobre la libertad
de Mi negra Maturine digo q.e esto causa es recibida a prueva
y para la q.e tengo dar, Se ha de Service V. S.a mandar conce
der diez dias mas de termino Por tanto
A.V.S. Suplico se Sirva proveer, y mandar como pido con justicia, costas, y juro no ser de malicia, y en lo necesario &.ce
[Firmado:] Leonardo Mazanga
[moderno, en lápiz azul] #291
Como lo pide Comun___
[Rubrica, Unzaga]
[círculo, moderno, a lápiz] 1
Proveyo lo el señor D.n Luis de Unzaga
y amezaga Brigadier de los reales extõs.
Gov.or Grãl de esta Pro.a q. lo rubrico en
Nueva Orleanza Veinte y nueve de Octubre
de mil sette Cientos Setenta y tres___
[f. 1v] [dig.5]
N.n El mismo Dia mes y año Yo el hise saver el decreto q.
antecede a D.n Leonardo Ma=
=zange doy fée___
N.n En dho Dia mes Y año yo el hise Saver el dho decr
eto que antecede a Dn Jaciento
Panis Doy fée___
[f. 2r] [dig.6]
D.n Alex.dro Bauré por mi poder en los autos q.e_
ha promovido contra La mulata Nanette Sobre
q.e le otorgue la escritura de venta de mi negra D~
maturine, y lo demas como mejor proceda de Dro.~
digo q.e esta causa es recivida a prueva, y para en par
te de la q.e devo dar se ha De Service V.S.a mandar
q.e bajo de en forma en q.e no lo difiero
jure y declare en primer lugar Dn Luis Dapre
mone, y diga como es cierto q.e fue el mismo q.e le
dio la libertad a mi Sollicitud, y q.e no lo huviera_
hecho, Si no por mi porq.e Se hallaba embaraza-
da y sin facultades de poder hazer una gracia exor
2.o Item como la dha mulata no le hizo ningun Servicio
particular q.e mereciesse la libertad
3.o Item como es cierto q.e la dha libertad Se verifico
me pidio mi hija para el matrimonio, y q.e Se la di con
cediendo me la instancia q.e le hize Sobre la libertad de la
[f. 2v] [dig.7]
mulata, y q.e a consequencia le he recompensa
do no Solo haviendo le dando mi hija condotee
Sufficiente, Si no tambien Sustiniendo lo en las car
gas De Su matrimonio,
4.o que el mismo, y los demas testigos q.e presentara
bajo el propio rito declaren como escierto, publi
co, y notario q.e despues q.e tuvo la libertad la mu
lata esta une tenia hicho Su casero dando me
a guardar el dinero q.e Juntava haziendo confie
anza de hombria de bien.
Item como del concubinaje de Juan Augraud=
haviendo este dado le dos cientos, y mas pezos, la
dha mulata me los dio aguardar.
Item como es cierto q.e teniendo estos en mi poder
la dha Nanetta Se fue a Pensacola con un Englez
q.e la proteges y favorece.
Item como es cierto q.e Luego q.e vino de Pensacola
me puso este pleyto
Item q.e declaren la misma Naneta, y Maturine
como es cierto haverme oido quejar de un robo
q.e se me hizo en mi papelera en tiempo q.e la maturi
na era Sola en el quarto, porq.e era la encarga
da de Su amo; Por tanto, y protestando estar Solo
a lo favorable
A.V.S.a Suplico Se Sirva proveer, y mandar hazer dhas
[f. 3r] [dig.8]
declaraciones como pido con justicia, costas, y juro
no ser de malicia, y en lo necessario &.a
Otro Si ae para el propio efecto Se ha De Servir V.S.a-
mandar q.e la dha__ Nanetta declara So la misma
protesta como es cierto me dixo q.e V.Sa me ordena
va entregar le la negra Maturina, la q.e no havie-
ra entregado q.e qxxx obediencia, pido Justicia ut_
[Firmado:] Leonardo Mazange
En lo Principal y Utro Sí Juren y de_
claren los tgõs q.e esta parte presenta_
re por el tenor del en la q.e les corres.
ponda Se comete y fho con la prueba_
[Rubrica, Unzaga] [Rubrica, Odoardo de Sayas]
Proveyo lo el señor D.n Luis de Unzaga
y Amézaga Brigadier de los r.s
extõs Gov.or Grāl de este prov.a p.r SM
q. lo rubrico con su Ass.or Grāl en orleans a treinta de octubre
de mil sette Cientos sett.a y tres___
[f. 3v] [dig.9]
N.n El mismo Dia mes y año Yo el hisesaver el decreto que
antecede a D.n Leonardo Mazange
Doy fee___
N.n En dho Dia mes y año Yo el
hise saver el dho decreto q antecede
a Dn Jaciento Panis Doy fée___
Dilig.a En la Ciudad de la Orleans en
el mismo dia pase a la Casa De la morada
de D.n Luis dapremon aefecto de
hazer le saver la prov.a antecede.te
y se me enformo estar Domiciliado
en su hav.on y p.a q. Conete dey
pongo p.r Dilig.a doy fée___
[f. 4r] [dig.10]
D.n Alex.dro Bauré por mi poder en los autos
seguidos contra mi por Naneta mulata libre sola
q.e se me obligue a otorgar la escritura de venta de la
negra Maturina digo q.e en mis pruevas se mando recivir
una declaration por Dn Lüis De la lande Dápromont, y
q.e como consta de la Diligentia del presente tiene Su
morada en una habitacion por loq.e Se ha De Servir V.S.a
mandar librar boleta de Comparando, dentro un breve,
termino, Coñ apercivimiento de lo.oe ha Lugar en Drõ
Por tanto
A.V.S.a Suplico se sirva proveer, y mandar como pido
un justicia, costas, y [juro] no ser de malicia, y en lo necesa
rio &.a
[Firmado:] Leonardo Mazange
Librese la Boleta que se solicita Con term.o
de tercero Dia, Cometida su Yntimacion
aqualquiera pers.a havil___
[Rubrica, Unzaga]
Proveyolo el Señor D.N Luis de Unzaga
[f. 4v] [dig.11]
[círculo, moderno, a lápiz] 3
y Amezaga Brigadier de los reales
Extõs Gov.or Gãl de esta prov.a p.r Su M.a
que lo rubrico en Nueva Orleans
en Dos de nobrē demil sette Cientos
settenta y tres a.s___
N.n El mismo Dia mes y año Yo el hise
saver el decretto que antecede a D.n Leonardo
Mazange Doy feé.
N.n En dho Dia mes y año Yo el hise
saver el dho Decretto que antecede a D.n
Jacinto panis Doy fée___
Librosela Boleta q. se}
manda doy fêe___
[f. 5r] [dig.12]
Por decreto p.r el señor
Gov.or Grãl De esta prov.a esta mandado
quequalquiera persona havil
notifîque a D.n Juan Luis Lalande
Dapremon que Comparesca antemy
el presente dentro de tercero
Dia Á hacerse Cargo de Cierta
Declar.N orleanz y novbre~
dos de mil sette Cientos settenta y
tres años____
Estando en la habitacion de D.n Luis
la lande Dapremont le notifîque la
Boleta antecedente oy tes de
noviembre de 1773,
[Firmado:] Pedro Berton[ion]
[f. 5v] [dig.13]
[en blanco]
[f. 6r] [dig.14]
[círculo, moderno, a lápiz] 4
En la Ciudad De la Nueva Orlean
en tres De noviembre De mil sette
cientos settenta y tres anos años
Yoel en Virtud De la Comision
ami Conferida reciví de D.n
Juan Luis lalande Dapremon quien
bo hiso p.r Dios nrõ señor y un senal
de Crus seg.n Drõ e ocuyo cargo prometo
Decir Verdad y examinado p.r los arti
culos de el escrito anteced.te ACadauno
de ellos Dijo lo sig.te___
1.a Ala primerara preg.ta Dixo que es
cierto su Continido y responde___
2.a Ala segunda Dixo que no lo huviera
Dado la libertad no teniendo bastante
conveniencia en aquel entonces para
tanta liberalidad y responde y Digo q.
la dha Naneta no le havia hecho nig.o
beneficio ni servicio que mereciese su
3.a Ala tercera dixo q.e lad ha libertad se
Verifico ante su pero que no
havia tratado ya pidiendo la hia
[f. 6v] [dig.15]
de D.n Alexandro Bauré y que
ha sido recompensado bastante
p.e su suegro de dha libertad y
4.a Ala quarta Dixo que es cierto su
contenido y responde_____
5.a A la quinta dixo que lo Ygnora y
6.a Ala sexta Dixo que escierto su
contenido y responde__
7.a Que lo que ha Declarado esla verda[d]
en cargo dho y que
es de edad de treinta y un años y
firmo De que doy fée_______
[Firmado:] Delalande Dapremont ES–
Ante My
[Firmado:] Juan Bt.a Garíc pubco
[círculo, moderno, a lápiz] 5
En la Ciudad de la nueba orleans en el xxxxx
xxx xx Cinco de noviembre de mil Setecientos
y Setenta y tres años yo el en virtud de la
Comision a mi Conferida recevi Juramentos de
D.n Andrés Jung que lo hizo por dios nuestro Senor
y una Señal de Cruz Segun derecho Lo Cuya
Cargo prometed decir verdad, y Examinado
xxxxx Articulos seguientez Continidos en el Escrito
que antecede, dixo Lo Siguiente___
[f. 7r] [dig.16]
ala 4a, Dixo que lo ignorava y Lo ignora en cado Y tipo
ala 5a, Dixo que no Save nada de esso y responde
ala Sixta Dixo que bien Save que fue a panzacola
dicha mulata Con uno inglez y que volvio de
alla ygualmente y responde___
ala Septima Dixo que no Save nada de Lo que
Sepregunta y responde que lo que ha declarado
es la verdad Lo cargo de su Juramento hecho
y que es de edad de quarenta y cino años y
firmo de que doy fée__
[Firmado:] Jung
Ante My
[Firmado:] Juan Bt.a Garíc ES pubco
[f. 7v] [dig.17]
[en blanco]
[f. 8r] [dig.18]
D.n Alex.dro Boré por mi poder en la autos
q.e sigue a Nanetta mulata Liberta sobre pretender q.e
se me obligue la escritura de venta de una
negra mi esclava, y lo demas Digo q.e para en parte de la
prueva q.e estoy dando Se ha De Servir V.S.a mandar
q.e Los testigos q.e presentare Juren, y declaren religiosam.te
por los particulares Siguientes
Primeram.te como escierto, y les consta como Soy un vecino de
esta ciudad acomodado Sin empaños
Item como les consta q.e soy honrado, opuesto a pleytos___
Item como me conocen por hombre de bien, y q.e he vivi
do honestam.te en compañia de mi muger, y hija Por-
A.V.S.a Suplico Se sirva mandar recivir dhas declaraciones
y fechas, Se entiendan con mis pruevas, q.ees Justicia q.e
pido con costas, Juro en frã de drõ no Ser de malicio
Otro Si Se ha de Servir V.S.a mandar q.e Los testigos q.e prese
tara bajo el propio rita Declaren como la dha, mulata
[f. 8v] [dig.19]
Naneta es publico, y notorio q.e en la acualidad
Se halla a manchac Inglez con un individo de esta
nacion con quien Despues de liberta hace corerias
y con quien ha poco tiempo viene de Pensacola, q.e
es Justicia ut Suprá
[Firmado:] Leonardo Mazanga
En lo Principal y Utro si Juren y
declaren los tgõs q.e esta parte presentare
por el tenor de este se comete y fho
con la prueba. ___
[Rubrica, Unzaga] [Rubrica, Odoardo de Sayas]
[círculo, moderno, a lápiz] 6
Proveyolo el Señor D.n Luis de Unzaga
y Amezaga Brigadier de los reales
extõs Gov.or Grāl de esta prov.a
por su magestad q.e que lo rubrico con
el Señor Ass.or Grāl en Orleanz
a seis De Noviembre de mil sette
cientos Sett.a y tres ad em.a noviembre de
[f. 9r] [dig.20]
N.n El mismo dia mes y año yo el
hise saver el decreto que antecede Á
D.n Leonardo Mazange Doy fée___
N.n En dho Diames y años yo el
hise saver el dho decreto que antece
de a D.n Jacinto Panis Doy fêé___
[f. 9v] [dig.21]
[en blanco]
Translation (English, modern)
[page #1] [digital 2]
Action 1773
of Don Alexandre Boré
Naneta, mulata libre.
[Rubric, Almonester]
N.16 N 3808
[modern, in blue pencil] #291
[modern, in pencil] Oct 29 1773
[p. #2] [dig.3]
[p. #3] [dig.4]
I, Don Alexandre Boré, by my power in the following action against me by Naneta, mulata libre, concerning the liberty of my negra, Maturine, call into evidence in this case, and Your Honor must order that ten days more time be granted me, thusly.
To His Lordship, I beg of you to provide and order what I have asked with due justice, and I swear to be without malice, and in which way as necessary, etc.
[Signed:] Leonardo Mazange
[modern, in blue pencil] #291
A Common Request
[Rubric, Unzaga]
[circled, modern, in pencil] 1
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Luis de Unzaga y Amezaga, Brigadier General of the Royal Armies, Governor General of this Province, which is signed in New Orleans on the 29th of October, seventeen-hundred and seventy-three.
[p. #4] [dig.5]
Notarized: On the same day, month, and year, I, the notary, made known the decree which precedes to Don Leonard Mazange. I attest.
Notarized: On the aforementioned day, month, and year, I, the notary, made known the decree which precedes to Don Jacinto Panis. I attest.
[p. #5] [dig.6]
I, Don Alexandre Boré, by my power in the actions that have been brought against me by the mulata, Naneta, regarding the granting of a Deed of Sale of my negra called Maturine, and the rest which best proceeds by law, I call into evidence in this case, and to which end Your Honor had ordered granted, that I swear under oath and do not deviate from my original testimony as declared in the first place [about] Don Luis D’Apremont, and say it is true that this was the same one [esclava] that it was requested of me to give freedom, and that I did not do so, if not for me [but for her] because she was pregnant and without the ability to receive [God’s] extravagant grace.
Likewise, the said mulata has given no service extraordinary [enough] to have deserved her freedom.
Likewise, as it is certain that this is the said liberty, I verify, my daughter asked of me for her marriage, and that I gave,granting the request asked of me concerning freedom for the
[p. #6] [dig.7]
mulata, consequently that I have rewarded [D’Apremont] not only by giving him my daughter but also with a dowry sufficient enough to sustain him in the burdens of his marriage,
- that he himself, and the other witnesses that he presents under his own rite, declare as true, open, and notarized, that after [she] received freedom, the mulata is the one who had made her patron give me the money to save, which I collected, making trust of a good man.
Likewise, as to the concubine of Juan Augraud, having been given some 200 or more pesos, the said mulata gave them to me to keep.
Likewise, as it is true that having these in my possession the said Naneta went to Pensacola with an Anglo [man] who protects and favors her.
Likewise, as it is true that [it was] after I came [back] from Pensacola that she bound me [up] in this lawsuit.
Likewise, that Naneta herself declare, and Maturine, how it is true, having heard me complain of a theft that was done to my writing desk at a time in which Maturine was alone in the room, because she was attending to her master. Thusly, remonstration [of my legal rights] is the only thing fair.
I beg you to provide and order the above mentioned
[p. #7] [dig.8]
statements [of rights] as I ask, with due justice, and I swear not to be of malice, and as is necessary, etc.
And also, if it serves His Lordship, to order that the said Naneta declare the same remonstration, [if] it is true as was told to me, that His Lordship [shall] order me to turn in the negra, Maturine, whom would not submit in obedience. I ask for justice, as [cited] above,
[Signed:] Leonardo Mazange
In [this] principal and [all] other matters, sworn and declared [by] the witnesses present for the purpose of this petition for which they are responsible, is filed and dated [along] with the evidence.
[Rubric, Unzaga] [Rubric, Odoardo de Sayas]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Luis de Unzaga y Amézaga, Brigadier General of the Royal Armies, Governor General of this Province by His Majesty, which is signed with the Advisor General in New Orleans on [the] 30th of October of seventeen-hundred and seventy-three.
[p. #8] [dig.9]
Notarized: [On] the same day, month, and year, I, the notary, made known the decree that precedes to Don Leonardo Mazange. I attest.
Notarized: On the same day, month, and year, I, the notary, made known the decree that precedes to Don Jacinto Panis. I attest.
Proceedings: In the City of New Orleans, on the same day, I went to the house of residence of Don Luis D’Apermont with the intent of making him aware of the preceding decree, and I was informed [that] he was residing at his plantation, and so that he is made aware, I left a copy of the decree. I attest.
[p. #9] [dig.10]
Don Alexander Boré, by my power in the following proceedings against me by the mulata libre, Naneta, unmarried, in which I am forced to grant the Deed of Sale of the negra, Maturina, I say that my testimony was sent to receive a statement by Don Luis Delalande D’Apromont and, as is evident by the proceedings of the present notary, he has stayed in his dwelling on the plantation, so Your Lordship must order a summons be issued within a brief period with warning as to what is required [of him] by law, thusly.
To Your Lordship, I beg you to provide and order what I have asked with due justice, and I swear I do not proceed with malice, and in the way necessary, etc.
[Signed:] Leonardo Mazange
The requested orders [shall be] released by the end of the third day after the summons has been served by a qualified person.
[Rubric, Unzaga]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Luis de Unzaga
[p. #10] [dig.11]
[circled, modern, in pencil] 3
y Amezaga, Brigadier General of the Royal Armies, Governor General of this Province by His Majesty, having signed in New Orleans on 2 of November seventeen-hundred seventy-three years.
Notarized: [On] the same day, month and year, I, the notary, made known the decree that precedes to Don Leonardo Mazange. I attest.
Notarized: On the said day, month, and year, I, the notary, made known the said decree that precedes to Don Jacinto Panis. I attest.
The summons has been released as ordered. I attest.
[p. #11] [dig.12]
By decree of the Lord Governor General of this Providence, it is ordered that a qualified person notify Don Juan Luis Delalande D’Apremont to appear before me, the present notary, within three days, to make [his] oath [and] truthfully [provide his] testimony. [In] New Orleans, and [on] November 2nd of seventeen-hundred and seventy-three years.
Being at the plantation of Don Luis [De]lalande D’Apremont, I notified him of the proceeding summons, today on the 3rd of November of 1773,
[Signed:] Pedro Bertonniere
[p. #12] [dig.13]
[p. #13] [dig.14]
[circled, modern, in pencil] 4
In the City of New Orleans on the 3rd of November of seventeen-hundred seventy-three years, I, the notary, by virtue of the commission conferred to me, received the oath of Don Juan Luis [De]lalande D’Apremont, who did so by God Our Lord and a sign of the Cross, according to the law, and [he] swears to tellthe truth, and being made aware of the contents of the previous petition, to each one of them says the following:
To the first question, he said that its content is true, and [in] response
To the second, he said that he would not have given her freedom as it would have not given himm uch convenience at the time for such disposal of assets and had in response said that the aforesaid Naneta had not provided any service or benefit worthy of her liberty.
To the third, he said that the said liberty was verified before his marriage, but that he had yet to ask for that of the daughter
[p. #14] [dig.15]
of Don Alexandre Boré, and that he has been compensated enough by his father-in-law of said liberty, and responds
To the fourth, he said it was right in its content, and in response
To the fifth, he said he doesn’t know, and in response
To the sixth, he said it was right in its content, and in response
To that what he has declared, it is true in accordance with his spoken oath, and that he is 31 years old, and he signed. I attest.
[Signed:] Delalande D’Apremont, Esq.
Before me
[Signed:] Juan Baptista Garic, Notary Public
[circled, modern, in pencil] 5
In the City of New Orleans on the 5th of November of seventeen-hundred and seventy-three years, I, the notary, by virtue of the commission conferred upon me, received statements from Don Andrés Jung, who swore to the truth by our Lord God and the sign of the Cross, in accordance with the law, whose responsibility it is to tell the truth, and being made aware of the following articles in continuation from the statement which precedes, said as follows:
[p. #15] [dig.16]
To the fourth, he said that he was unaware and unaware of the case and type [of civil case].
To the fifth, he said he does not know anything of this, and in response
To the sixth, he said that he knows that the said mulata went to Pensacola with an Englishman and that she came back from there just the same, and answers
To the seventh, he says he did not know anything of what he is asked, and answers that what he has stated is the truth in accordance with his oath made, and that he is 45 years old and signed as such. I attest.
[Signed:] Jung
Before me
[Signed:] Juan Baptista Garic, Esq.
Notary Public
[p. #16] [dig.17]
[p. #17] [dig.18]
Don Alexander Boré, by my power in these proceedings which follows Naneta, mulata libre, trying to force me into writing the Deed of Sale of a negra, my esclava. And for the rest I say that part of the proof that I am giving must serve, Your Lordship, to order the witnesses presented to swear [an oath] and testify religiously of the following particulars:
First of all, it is true, and as they know, I am a property owner of this city without a tarnished reputation.
Likewise, you are aware I am honorable, averse to lawsuits.
Likewise, I am known as a good man, and to have lived honestly in the company of my mother and daughter, thusly.
Your Lordship, I beg you order the above notarized statements to be known alongside my evidence, it is justice that I ask, with indebtedness, I swear in conformity with the law to not be of malice, etc.
And if it serves His Lordship, order that the witnesses will present [themselves] under his authority and testify about the said mulata,
[p. #18] [dig.19]
Naneta, [who] is well known and notorious, that currently is at English Manchac with an individual of this nation with whom, after liberation, she goes on raids with and with whom she came from Pensacola a short time ago, which is rightly stated above.
[Signed:] Leonardo Mazange
In this primary and [all] other matters sworn and declared [by] the witnesses present for the purpose of this petition are filed and dated [along] with the evidence.
[Rubric, Unzaga] [Rubric, Odoardo de Sayas]
[circled, modern, in pencil] 6
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Luis de Unzaga y Amezaga, Brigadier General of the Royal Armies, Governor General of this Province by His Majesty, which is signed withthe Lord Advisor General in New Orleans on the 6th of November seventeen-hundred and seventy-three on the aforesaid November.
[p. #19] [dig.20]
Notarized: on the same day, month, and year, I, the notary, made known the decree which precedes to Don Leonardo Mazange. I attest.
Notarized: On the said day, month, and year, I, the notary, made known the said decree which precedes to Don Jacinto Panis. I attest.
[p. #20] [dig.21]