Catharina Knows Her Worth
- Date
- 1773-06-25
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- Spanish
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
- LHC Scans
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
- Download PDF
- Publication Date
- 9-Aug-24
- Suggested Citation
- "Catharina Knows Her Worth," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024,
The shift from French to Spanish dominion brought with it new laws, new customs, and new strategies for enslaved resistance. In 1773, Catharina, enslaved on the Destrehan Plantation, claimed her freedom based on a new system of manumission that came to be called coartación. A few things are important to note in her story. First, throughout the case, Catharina argued for and defended her right to a lower self-purchase price based on an unspecified infirmity. How the participants reacted to her claims of disability is of interest to anyone studying the history of disability and how it intersects with race, gender, and bondage. Second, the enslaver of note in this case is none other than Étienne de Boré, the man known in the history of United States slavery as the innovator of sugar cultivation in Lower Louisiana. This makes Catharina’s case a critical part of the history of the plantation in the United States. Third, Catharina is not arguing just for herself in her battle for freedom; included in her claim is her five-year old daughter, Felicité. Once again, kinship remains the tie that binds and sustains, inspiring resistance, refusals, and challenges that might have been impossible to imagine otherwise.
Transcription (Spanish, diplomatic)
[folio 2 recto] [digital 4]
Lo la
p.te exp.te no sa
ver firmar
nueva orléans
25 de Junio de
1773 doy feé
[Firmado:] Almonester [Rubrica, Almonester]
[círculo, moderno, a lápiz] 1
[moderno, a lápiz azul] #276
Catharina mulata esclava de los
bienes de D. Juan Bautista Destrehan, en
la mejor forma que haya lugar en drõ
ante V.S. paresco y digo que por
hacerme bien algunas personas y en
recompensa de beneficios y servicios
que les ha prometrar hacer me quieren
aprontar el dinero a que pueda hacen
der el valor demi de libertad y la de mi
hija nom.da de edad de cinco a.s
en cuya atencion Suplico a A.V.S. se
sirva mandar a D. Gabriel Facensda
y a D. Estevan Boré que administran
dichos bienes, nombren un terrero para
que hagan mi estimacion y la de mi
hija, que yo por mi parte nombró a S.
[f. 2 verso] [dig.5]
[rasgado] me otorguen la carta
[rasgado] conforme a drõ por tanto
[rasgado] se sirva proveer y man
dar [rasgado] llevo pedir por ser refus.a
lo sitios y Juro en lo necess.o &.a
[Firmado:] Unzaga [Rubrica, Unzaga]
[círculo, moderno, a lápiz] 2
Proveio lo el S.r D. Luis de Unzaga y
Amezaga Brig.r de los rrs exos y Gov.or
Grãl de esta Prov.a por S.M. q lo Fir-
mo en veinte y cinco de junio De
mil sets sesenta y tres_____
[Firmado:] Andrés Almonester
y Roxas
[Rubrica, Almonester]
N.n En el mismo dia hise saver el decreto
q. ante de esta a la mulata Cathalina
doy Fee___
[Firmado:] Almonester [Rubrica, Almonester]
Translation (English, modern)
[page #1] [digital 4]
[Marginal note:]
Presented without signature, [being her] not knowing how to sign. New Orleans 25th of June of 1773. I hereby certify,
[Signed:] Almonester [Rubrica, Almonester]
[circled, modern, in pencil] 1
[modern, in blue pencil] #276
Catharina, mulata esclava [belonging] to the estate of Don Juan Bautista Destrehan, in the appropriate manner as provided by law, before Your Lordship appears and states that I have served well certain persons, and in recompense for the benefits and services that I have promised to do, I want to prepare the money that I can to amount to the value of my freedom, and that of my daughter, Felicité, five years of age. For this consideration I request, Your Honor, if it serves you, to order Don Gabriel Fazende and Estevan Boré, who administer this estate, to name an assessor to do my estimation and that of my daughter, which I, for my part, named herein.
[p. #2] [dig.5]
[ripped] grant me the freedom papers [ripped] in accordance with the law, thusly [ripped] you provide and order [ripped] I ask in hope that I am not refused this [my request], I swear in the way in which it is necessary, etc.
[Signed:] Unzaga [Rubric, Unzaga]
[circled, modern, in pencil] 2
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Luis de Unzaga y Amezaga, Brigadier of the Royal Armies, and Governor General of this Province by His Majesty. Signed 25th of June 1773.
[Signed:] Andrés Almonester y Roxas, Notary Public
[Rubric, Almonester]
Notarized: On the same day, having made known the decree which precedes to the mulata Catharina.
I certify,
[Signed:] Almonester [Rubric, Almonester]