Maria Antonia is Freed by Her Grandmother
- Date
- 1779-07-29
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- Spanish
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
coartaciónemancipationfree people of colorfreedomfreedom suitgirlhoodkinship
- LHC Scans
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
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- Publication Date
- 9-Aug-24
- Suggested Citation
- "Maria Antonia is Freed by Her Grandmother," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024,
A woman named Angelica, negra enslaved by Antonio Ramis, goes before the cabildo at New Orleans to initiate coartación proceedings for the valuation of her granddaughter, a four-year old named Maria Antonia, in order to purchase her freedom. The two men appointed by the court to appraise the child, Antonio “Villefranche” Boudousquié and Santiago “Jacques” Tarascon, find her to be worth 175 pesos and 200 pesos, respectively.
Transcription (Spanish, diplomatic)
[folio 2 recto] [digital 2]
- Año de 1793
Dilig.s principiada por Angelica
negra sbre pretender la livertad de
Maria Antonia Su Nieta esclava
De Santiago Porta___
N.o 26_
#559 [moderno, en lápiz azul]
D N_ 16
~~ 14~~
SN0 18
[f. 2 verso] [dig.3]
[en blanco]
[f. 3r] [dig.4]
Angelica negra quartada p.r Anto
nio Ramis en las dirigencias que
he promovido sobre darle la libertad
a mi nieta nombrada Maria Anto
nia Esclava de D.n Santiago Porta
y lo demas digo que se sirvio ũnd
demanda que dentro de tercero dia
el ante dhō nombrase un tercero
por Su parte y Como Consta dela
diliga del presente el Suso
dhō tiene su morada en su habita.on
en atencion de que Se ha de servir
ũnd mandar librar boleta de com
parendo, al Suso dhō con insercion
de la dhā providen.a cometeda Su
estimon a qualquier pers.a habil
[f. 3v] [dig.5]
Amd Suplico Se Sirva proveer y
mandar como devo pedido por
ser deJusticia y en lo nesesa
rio &a.
Como lo pido___
[Firmado:] Piernas
Proveido el señor Do Pedro Piernas the
mente coron.l en el Batallon fixo de esta
Plaza y Alcalde ordinario De primer
soto De esta ciudad que lo firmó a trein
ta de Julio D emil set.S setenta y nueve.
[Firmado:] Andrés Almonester de Roxas
[Rubrica, Almonester]
En Lo ora lo hice saver á Angelica
negra Doy fee___
[Firmado:] Andrés Almonester de Roxas
[Rubrica, Almonester]
[f. 4r] [dig.6]
Librosela voleta que empreza }
yentregue ala parte Doy fee }
[Rubrica, Almonester]
[f. 4v] [dig.7]
[en blanco]
[f. 5r] [dig.8]
Por decretto proveiydo en este dia
por Dn Pedro piernas then.~ del ba
tallon fixo de esta plasa esta man
dado lo siguiente____
Auto hace por nombrado el tercero que
esta parte oferece acepte y Jure en la
forma de estilo y haga Sele Saver
a D.n Santiago porte nombre otra
dentro de tres dias por la Suya a con
aprecerimto de procederse con el
nombrado = Piernas___
Cuya providencia esta mandado se
le notifique a D.n Santiago porte
por qualquier persona habil nueba
orleans y Julio treinta de mil
setts setenta y nuebe años_
[Firmado:] Almonester
[Rubrica, Almonester]
[f. 5v] [dig.9]
Estando en la habitacion de Dn
Santiago porte distante de esta Ciud.d
de una legua y de el otro lado del
rio le notifique el cotenido en la boleta
antecidente y para que Conesta lo
pongo p.r diliga Con advertencia q
gastado quatro r.S par dos traveisas
de ir y bober Nva orleans y
agusto dos de mil sẽtt. Setenta y
nuebe años___
[Firmado:] Pedro Bertoniere
N.n En la ciudad De La Nueva orleans á
cinco de Agosto de mil Sett.s Setenta y
nueve años Yo el eššno hice saver el
anteced.te ad.n Santiago Borta en su
pers.a quien Dijo que nom__
brada por tercero por Su parte
a d.n Antonio Boudurquie para~
[f. 6r] [dig.10]
el aprecio de la mulatica que se expresa
esto dio por su repuesta y lo firmo de
que doy fee___
[Firmado:] Jacques Porte
[Firmado:] Almonester [Rubrica, Almonester]
N.n acep.n
Y juranto }
En la Ciudad de la Nueva Orleans dho
dia mes y año Yo el essno~ hice saver el a D.n Ant.o Boudurquier
q.n Dijo que lo aceptava y acepto y Juro
por Dios ntro Señor y una Señal De
cruz De proceder bien y fielmente
y lo firmo de que Doy fee__
[Firmado:] Boudousquié
[Firmado:] Almonester [Rubrica, Almonester]
[f. 6v] [dig.11]
En la Ciudad De la Nueva Orleans,
dho dia mes y año Santiago Tararca
tercero nombrado por la negra Ange
lica y D.n Antonio Boudusquier
en la misma Calidad para la esti-
macion y áprecio De una mulati
ca nombrada Maria Antonia De
edad De quatro años haviendola
visto en presencia De mi el es~sno, y
enferenciado largo rato Sobre Su
valor Dijeron el dho Tasarcon que la
estimava en ciento Settenta y cinco
p.S y el referido Boudusquie en
Doscientos p.S cuia estima.~ Dijo haver
hecho bien y fielm.te seg.n si inte lig.a y lo
firmaron De qué Doy fee___
[Firmado:] Tarascon
[Firmado:] Boudousquié
[Firmado:] Andres Almonester De Roxas
[Rubrica, Almonester]
[f. 7r] [dig.12]
[en blanco]
[f. 7v] [dig.13]
[en blanco]
Translation (English, modern)
[page #1] [digital 2]
- Year 1793
Proceedings initiated by Angelica, negra, about claiming the freedom of Maria Antonia, her granddaughter, esclava of Santiago Porta.
Number 26
#559 [modern, in blue pencil]
D N___ [number crossed out]
[number notation crossed out]
[number notation crossed out]
[p. #2] [dig.3]
[p. #3] [dig.4]
Angelica negra coartada1 [belonging to] Antonio Ramis in the proceedings that have begun regarding granting freedom to my granddaughter, named Maria Antonia, esclava of Don Santiago Porta,and I also say that he was served and ordered that within three days the aforesaid shall appoint a third party on his behalf, and as stated in the proceedings by the present notary, the aforesaid has his domicile on his plantation, [and] in consideration of which is servedand ordered by subpoena issued to the aforesaid with the inclusion of the judicial resolution committing as his estimator any capable person.
[p. #4] [dig.5]
Thusly, before Your Lordship, I beg you provide and order with God as I have requested for what is just and in which way is necessary, etc.
As I demand,
[Signed:] Piernas
Thus ordered: [By] Lord Don Pedro Piernas, Lieutenant Colonel of the Fixed Regiment2 of this post, and alcalde ordinario, the first mayor of this city, which he signs on the thirtieth of July of one-thousand seven-hundred and seventy-nine.
[Signed:] Andrés Almonester de Roxas
[Rubric, Almonester]
On the same day, I made this known to Angelica, negra. I certify,
[Signed:] Andrés Almonester de Roxas
[Rubric, Almonester]
[p. #5] [dig.6]
The Deed of Freedom is thus issued and delivered to the party. I certify,
[Rubric, Almonester]
[p. #6] [dig.7]
[p. #7] [dig.8]
5 By the decree provided on this day by Don Pedro Piernas, Lieutenant [Colonel] of theFixed Regiment of this post, the following is ordered.
Judgment: Having been named third [party] that for his part offers, accepts, and swears [an oath] in the [ordinary] form [and] style, and let it be known to Don Santiago Porta to name another within three days for his own [party] with eagerness to proceed with the named [representative to give oath]. Piernas, [on] whose providence [it] is ordered to notify Don Santiago Porta, [and to do so] by any person able. [At] New Orleans [on] July 30 of one-thousand seven-hundred and seventy-nine.
[Signed:] Almonester
[Rubric, Almonester]
[p. #8] [dig.9]
Being at the plantation of Don Santiago Porta, [which is] far from this city by a league, and on the other side of the [Mississippi] river, I notified him of the contents on the ruling, aforementioned, and because of this I issue an Action of Warning; they are wasting four reales on two traversing women [who will] go and return to New Orleans [on] August second of one-thousand seven hundred seventy-nine.
[Signed:] Pedro Bertonnière
Notarized: In the City of New Orleans on the fifth of August of one-thousand seven-hundred and seventy-nine I, the notary, have made known the decree preceding, to Don Santiago Porta in person, who said he was appointed by a third party on his behalf, Don Antonio Boudousquié, for
[p. #9] [dig.10]
the appraisal of the mulatica,3 [and] as expressed he gave his answer, and he signs that which I certify.
[Signed:] Jacques Porta
[Signed:] Almonester [Rubric, Almonester]
[Marginal note:]
Notarized, accepted, and decreed }
In the City of New Orleans on the aforementioned day, month, and year, I, the notary, made the previous appointment known to Don Antonio Boudousquié, who said that he accepted it, and having accepted and sworn [his oath] before our Lord God and [with] a sign of the Cross, shall proceed well and faithfully, and he signs that which I certify,
[Signed:] Boudousquié
[Signed:] Almonester [Rubric, Almonester]
[p. #10] [dig.11]
In the City of New Orleans, on the aforementioned day, month, and year, Santiago Tarascon, third party named by the negra, Angelica, and Don Antonio Boudousquié, in the same calidad, for the estimation and appreciation of one mulatica named Maria Antonia, four years old, having seen her in my, the notary’s, presence and [having] talked for a long time about this with the said Tarascon, who said that he estimated her worth to be of 175 pesos, and the referenced Boudousquié [estimated her worth] as 200 pesos. They said to have done their duty with fidelity and to the best of their knowledge and sign that which I certify,
[Signed:] Tarascon
[Signed:] Boudousquié
Before me
[Signed:] Andrés Almonester de Roxas,
Notary Public
[Rubric, Almonester]
[p. #11] [dig.12]
[p. #12] [dig.13]
In Spanish Louisiana, the practice of coartación–or manumission by self-purchase–proceeded after an enslaved person was evaluated by court appointed experts, a price was set, and a purchase agreement was made. This contractual agreement rendered the enslaved person coartado/a until the purchase price was reached and the final payment made. A negra coartada like Angelica was not yet free and could still be sold, transferred, or mortgaged, but only on conditional terms. See Alejandro de la Fuente and Ariela J. Gross, Becoming Free, Becoming Black: Race, Freedom, and Law in Cuba, Virginia, and Louisiana (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Kimberly S. Hanger, Bounded Lives, Bounded Places: Free Black Society in Colonial New Orleans, 1769-1803 (Durham: Duke University Press, 1997). ↩
The Batallon de Infanteria Fixo de la Luisiana was formed by Governor Alejandro O’Reilly in 1769 in the wake of the Creole Revolt to suppress uprisings and enforce Spanish dominion in the territory. This militia was initially composed primarily of soldiers from Havana and included local residents of Louisiana by voluntary enlistment, conscription, and criminal sentence. See Gilbert C. Din, “‘For Defense of Country and the Glory of Arms’: Army Officers in Spanish Louisiana, 1766-1803,” Louisiana History 43:1 (Winter 2002): 5-40. ↩
“Mulatica” in the Spanish colonial system is the diminutive of “mulata” and was used to refer to girls or young women. The term was most commonly used in Cuba and the Spanish Caribbean, and less so throughout the Spanish mainland. It did not necessarily denote legal status. ↩