Mariana Secures Freedom for her Sister, Pelagia
- Date
- 1793-02-15
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- Spanish
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
coartaciónemancipationfamilyfree people of colorfreedomfreedom suitkinshipmanumissionvaluation
- LHC Scans
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
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- Publication Date
- 9-Aug-24
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- "Mariana Secures Freedom for her Sister, Pelagia," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024,
Mariana Marcos (alias Voisin), negra libre, filed a freedom suit to compel the emancipation of her sister, Pelagie, who is enslaved by Pierre Olivier D’Anneville, for the price of her fair valuation. Successful in her suit, Mariana’s sister Pelagie is ordered free by the Spanish audiencia at New Orleans. As an example of the coartación process, it not only demonstrates the changes that were made to slave law during the Spanish period, but it also highlights the importance of kinship to both enslaved and free people of color in Louisiana.
Transcription (Spanish, diplomatic)
[folio 0 recto] [digital 2]
Año de 1793
Promovidos por Mariana Marcos con tra Dn Pedro Olivier sobre que sale es time para obtener su Libertad___
N.o 119___ juez el sor Gov.or | Ximenes
[moderno, a lápiz rojo] #3059 [moderno, a lápiz] Feb 15, 1793 [moderno, a lápiz rojo] #2981
[f. 0 verso] [dig.3]
[en blanco]
[f. 1r] [dig.4]
1 Mariana Marcos alias Voisin negra libre vecina de esta Ciudad, ante V. como mas haya lugar en drô paresco y digo que tengo una hermana mia esclava de Dn Olivier Darmeville llamada Pelagia alaqual deseando dar la libertad por el precio de su Justa tasacion paraqu se verifique nombro por mi Apreciador Dn [Francisco] Ramon Cane [Canes] alias de Curro suplicando a V___ haberla por nombrado precediendo su accepon y Juramento y hacer saber a la otra parte nombre el suyo dentro del termino de dos dias y de lo contrario se elegir de oficio paraqu ambos procedan a dha estimacion por tanto
AVs Supco se sirva prover y mandar como pido con Justicia costas Juro no ser de malicia y enlo neceso &.~
Por Mariana Voisin [Firmado:] Felipe Guinault
[f. 1v] [dig.5]
Por presentada: Y atento ã ser la dili- gencia, que se pide por la suplicante para el fin, que propone de la liber- tad de la Negra Pelagia, procedase ã la estimacion de esta; para la qual se ha por nombrado por su parte al su- geto que se expresa procedase, ã quien se hará saver para Su aceptacion, y Juramen- to, que se comete, instruyendose de la presente Solicitud, y de esta Providen- cia ã D.n Olivier Darneville, que se dice ser amo de la referida Esclava, ã quien se prevendra, que dentro de segundo dia nombre otro apreciador de su satisfaccion con apencerimient- to que de no complirlo se executará de Oficio.___
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S. Don Francisco Baron de Carondelet Cavallero de la Religion de S.n Juan Cornel de los R.s Extõs Gov.or Vise Parrono è Ynt.e Grãl, de esta Provincia dela Luiciana por S.M. con dictamen y à cuerdo del S.or D.or D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Th.e de Gov.or Auditor de Guerra
[f. 2r] [dig.6]
2 y Asesor Grāl del Govierno qué lo ru bricaror en esta Ciudad de la Nueva Orl- eans a quinze de Febrero de mil setecientos noventa y tres años___
[Firmado:] Carlos Ximenes
N.n En dho dia hise saver el que antesede a Mariana Marcos Voisin Negra Libre doy fee
[Firmado:] Ximenes
N.n. En diez y seis del dho Yo el hise saver a D.n Olivier Derneville el que antesede doy fee
[Firmado:] Ximenes
En dho dia mes y año Yo el Escrivano hise saver el Nombramiento de estimador que por el que antesede a D.n Ramon Canet; y entenado de su contenido Dixo
[f. 2v] [dig.7]
que aceptava acepto y hixo por Dios y la Cruz de haver vien y fielmente su en cargo y lo firmó sigue doy fée___
[Firmado:] Juân Ramon Canes [Firmado:] Carlos Ximenes
[moderno, a lápiz] 2
En la Ciudad de la N.^a Orleans en diez y ocho de Febrero de mil Sete ciéntos noventa y tres, ante mi el parroc.o el Ten.te del Jur.o de la Luicianá Dn Pedro Oliviér, y Dijo: que correg.te ala su liertad de Marianá Marcos Negra libre en el Esento assimto, y de lo que es mi Virtud de la preceptiva nombraba, y mesdír desde lugar como estimador per mi parte,
[f. 3r] [dig.8]
3 para el aprecío vien Si amba nombrada Pelaxia, e el Cap.n D.n Pedro de Marigny, su plicando ami sriâ, que haci endolo por tal tenga aver mandar se proseda a la Di- lig.a pend.te, presedidas las for malidades nesesarias, y fir mo de que doy fée___
[Firmado:] Pierre Olivier [Firmado:] Carlos Ximenez
Se ha por nombrado a D.n Pedro de Marigny segun se pide en la diligencia antecedente ā quien se hara saver para su aceptaci- on y Juramento que se comete, dandose noti- cia a la otra parte para su inteligencia; y fe- cho procedase a la estimacion prevenida en la forma ordinaria.___
F.[irmado:] [Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
[f. 3v] [dig.9]
el S.or D.n Baron de Carondelet Cavallero de la Religion de S.n Juan Coronel de los R.s Extõs Gov.or Vise Pator no è Ynt.e Grãl de esta Provincia de la Luisiana por S.M. con dictamen y acuerdo del S.or D.or D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Th.te de Gov.or Auditor de Grra~, y Asesor Grãl del que lo rubricaron en esta Ciudad de la Nueva Orleans á nueve de Febrero de mil setecientos Noven ta y tres años___
[moderno, a lápiz] 2 [Firmado:] Carlos Ximenez
En dho dia hise saver el que ante Sede á D.n Pedro Olivier doy fee___
[Firmado:] Ximenez
En dho dia lo hise saver á Mariana Marcos Voisin doy fee___
[Firmado:] Ximenez
[f. 4r] [dig.10]
4) En Veinte del dho Yo el passe alas casas de la Morada de D.n Pedro de Marigny y le notifique en su persona el nombramiento de estimador que por el, que antesede se le hase y enterado de Su Dixo que aseptava aseptó y Juro por Dios y la Cruz de haser vien y fielm.te su encargo y lo firmo de que doy fee___
[Firmado:] Pedro DeMarigny [Firmado:] Carlos Ximenez
[moderno, a lápiz] 4
En la Ciu.d de la Nueva Orleans, en bein te y uno de Febrero de mil set.s noventa y tres años: consecuente à lo dispuesto a solicitud de Mariana Marcos mo rena libre, parecio a la precenz.a de D.n Pedro de Marigny del orden de S.n Luis Cap.n de milicias de las de esta Ciu.d y de D.n Fran.c Ramon Canes terceros nombrados, la Negra Pelagia esclava del Th.te D.n Pedro Olivier à èfecto de proceder a su estimas.on; y haviendo la reconosido
[f. 4v] [dig.11]
hechos Gargo de su edad, y demas circunstanz.s dixeron: que desde luego Ta zaban dha Negra Pelagia, en la Cant.d de quinientos pesos, en que han combe nìdo de acuerdo, y conformidad; cuy-o precio es el que Jusgan valer, y en el que la aprecian; con lo qual Se con cluyō esta diligenz.a, que fimaron de que doy fee___
[Firmado:] Pedro DeMarigny [Firmado: Xamon Canes
Ante mi: [Firmado:] Carlos Ximenez
Autos y vistos: Se declara por legitimo valor de la Negra Pelagia, Esclava de D.n Pedro Olivier, la cantidad de quinientos pesos, en q.e ha Sido apreciada por los Estimadores que nombraron las partes: en cuya virtud entregandola expresada
[f. 5r] [dig.12]
suma, Mariana Marcos, alias Voisin, ó la misma Pelagia, procedase por el dho d.n Pedro Olivier, à otorgar à la ùltima la correspondiente Escritura de libertad; y taseeste las costas, que Satisfará con diez reales de asesoria la citada Negra Mariana que ha promovido esta Ynstan.a___
F.[irmado:] El Baron de Carondelet [Rubrica, Carondelet] [Firmado:] Nicolas M.a Vidal [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r D.n Frā Baron de Carondelet Cavallero de la Religion de S.n Juan Coronel de loz R.s Extõs Gov.or Vise Patrono è Ynt.e Grãl de esta Prov.a de la Luisiana por SM. con dicta men y acuerdo del S.or D.or D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Th.te de Gov.or Auditor de Grra~ y Asesor Grãl del que lo fírmaron en esta Ciudad de la Nueva Orléans à veinte y tres de Febrero de mil Setecientos Noventa y tres años___
[moderno, a lápiz] 5 [Firmado:] Carlos Ximenez
En dho dia hise saver el q.e
[f. 5v] [dig.13]
antesede a D.n Pedro Olivier doy fee___
[Firmado:] Ximenez
N.n En dho dia lo hise saver à Mariana Marcos Voisin doy fee___
[Firmado:] Ximenez
En dho dia Yo el hise Sauer el que antesede a D.n Luis Liotaud Tasador y enterado de Su Dixo que azepta va aseptó, y Juro por Dios y la Cruz de haser vien y fielm.te Su encargo y lo firmò deque doy fee___
[Firmado:] Luis Liotaus [Firmado:] Carlos Ximenez
Tas.on de Costas de las Diligencias practicadas por Mariana Mar cos sobre precendes Se le de Libertad á Pelagia su hermana, con prestos de |___ en conformidad de lo mandado y segun Aranc.l
[Rubrica, Carondelet] Al S.r Baron de Carondelet de la Relig.on de S.n Juan Gov.or è Ynt.e Gral
[f. 6 r] [dig.14]
6) de esta Prov.a de la Luisiana p.r S.M. Ocho r.s por dos medias firmas y una entera________,,,,,,8
[Rubrica, Vidal] Al S.or D.or D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Th.te de Gov.or Auditor de Grra~, y Ase Sor grãl del diez rS por la As.a q.e Se asigno á |_______,,,, 10
[Firma notariada, Guinault] A D.n Felipe Guinault Procurador cinco r.S por una Peticion___,,,,,, 5
[Firma notariada, Marigny] A D.n Pedro de Marigny onze r.S por la estimaz.on q.e verifico à |____,,,,11
[Firma notariada, Canes] A Ramon Canet onze rS por igual razon_________,,,,11
[Rubrica, Ximenez] Al por sus drõz de lo actuado escrito y ocupacionez cinquenta y tres reales________,,,, 53.
[Firma, Liotau] Al Taz.or por la asignacion de esta doz reales_______,,,,,, 2
Nueva Orleans, 23 de Febrero de 1793. {,,100 {12.p.s 4rS
[Firmado:] Luis Liotau [Rubrica, Liotau]
[moderno, a lápiz] 6
Translation (English, modern)
[page #1] [digital 2]
Year 1793
Proceedings for Mariana Marcos versus don Pedro Olivier in order to get an estimate to obtain her freedom.
No. 119___ Judge, the Lord Governor | Notary, Ximenes
[modern, in red pencil] #3059 [modern, in pencil] Feb. 15, 1793 [modern, in red pencil] #2981
[p. #2] [dig.3]
[p. #3] [dig.4]
1 Mariana Marcos, alias Voisin, negra libre, householder of this city, [comes] before you, in conformity with the law, stands and states:That I have a sister of mine, esclava ofdon Olivier D’Anneville, named Pelagia, for whom I wish to grant freedom for the priceof her fair valuation, so for that reason I have named as my appraiser don [Francisco] Ramón Canes, known as el Curro,1 pleading of Your Lordship to have the aforenamed, following your acceptance, take [his] oath, and make known to the other party [to] name their [appraiser] within two days, otherwise he shall be chosen ex officio, so[that] both [parties] can proceed with the said estimate, thusly.
Your Lordship, I beg you to provide and order as I request with due justice, costs, and I swear to not be of malice, and as is necessary, etc.
For Mariana Voisin, [Signed:] Felipe Guinault
[p. #4] [dig.5]
Filed: And [in] consideration of the proceedings that have been initiated by the supplicant,for the purpose [of] proposing the freedom of the negra Pelagia, proceed tothe valuation of her, for whichhas been appointed the named subject [Canes] as expressed, to whom will be made aware for his acceptance, and oath, which is to be committed, [and] communicate the present request, and this ruling,to don Olivier D’Anneville, who is the said master of the referenced slave, to whom it will [also] be advised that within two days he shall name another appraiserof his satisfaction [on his behalf] with warningthat if he does not comply, it will be executed ex officio.
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord don Francisco Baron de Carondelet, Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John[of Jerusalem], Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty, with dictum and agreement of the Lord Dr. don Nicolas Maria, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor,
[p. #5] [dig.6]
2 and Advisor General of the Government, which is signed in the City of New Orleans on the 15th of February seventeen-hundred and ninety-three.
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenes
Notarized: On the same day, I made known the preceding decree to Mariana Marcos Voisin, negra libre. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenes
Notarized: On the 16th of the aforementioned [month], I, the notary, made known to don Olivier D’Anneville the preceding decree. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenes
On the same day, month, and year, I, the notary, made known [to] the appointed appraiser of the preceding decree, don Francisco Ramón Canes, and understanding of its contents,
[p. #6] [dig.7]
said he accepted, and [will] do, for God and the Cross, well and faithfully [of] his charge, and he signed as follows. I attest,
[Signed:] Juan Ramón Canes [Signed:] Carlos Ximenes
[modern, in pencil] 2
In the the City of New Orleans on the 18th of February seventeen-hundredninety-three, [came] before me, the notary [of the] parish, Lieutenant of the Military Jurisdiction of the Louisiana [Province],don Pedro Olivier, and states: That in regard to her liberty byMariana Marcos, negralibre, in the ordered event and of which will be [done] by virtue of the mandate, name and appoint [as] estimator on my behalf,
[p. #7] [dig.8]
3 for the property [to be] valuated [by] both, [the] named Pelagie, the Captain don Pedro de Marigny, pleading of Your Lordship, thatdoing as has been ordered, will proceed to thepending ruling, following the necessary formalities, and I sign as such. I attest,
[Signed:] Pierre Oliver [Signed:] Carlos Ximenez
don Pedro de Marigny has been appointed, as requested in the antecedent proceedings, to whom it will be made known for his acceptance, and oath, which is to be committed, giving notice to the other party for their knowledge, and summoned to proceed to the estimation. Prepared in the standard way,
[Signed:] [Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered:
[p. #8] [dig.9]
[By] the Lord don Francisco Baron de Carondelet, Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John [of Jerusalem], Coronel of the Royal Armies, Vice-Patron and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty, with dictum andagreement of Lord Dr. don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General of the government, which was signed in this City of New Orleans on the9th of February, seventeen-hundredninety-three.
[modern, in pencil] 3 [Signed:] Carlos Ximenez
On the same day, I made known the preceding decree to don Pedro Olivier. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez
On the aforementioned day, I made this known to Mariana Marcos Voisin. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez
[p. #9] [dig.10]
4) On the 20th of the said [month], I, the notary, went to the house of residence of don Pedro de Marignyand notified him in person of the naming of [him] as appraiser by the preceding decree, which he was made aware of its contents. He said he would accept, [and having] accepted swore before God and the Cross, to make good and faithful of his oath and he signs, which I attest.
[Signed:] Pedro de Marigny [Signed:] Carlos Ximenez
[modern, in pencil] 4
In the City of New Orleans, on the 21st of February seventeen-hundred and ninety- three, in accordance with the provisions of the request from Mariana Marcos, morena libre,2 appearing in the presence of don Pedro de Marigny of the [Royal and Military] Order of St. Louis, Captain of the Militias of this City, and of don Francisco Ramón Canes, the aforenamed third party, the negra Pelagia, esclava of Lieutenant don Pedro Olivier, for the purpose of proceeding to her estimate, and making known the
[p. #10] [dig.11]
facts of her age, and any additional considerations, they said that since, theyappraised the said negra, Pelagia, at the amountof 500 pesos, in which they have both agreed in conformity, [that] the said price is what they judge her to be worth, and in which they valuate her, with whichthese proceedings are [now] concluded, [to] which they have signed. I attest,
[Signed:] Pedro de Marigny [Signed:] Francisco Ramón Canes
Before me [Signed:] Carlos Ximenez
Decided and decreed: It is declared the legitimate value of the negra Pelagia, esclava of don Pedro Olivier, the amount of 500pesos, in which she has been valued by the appraisers appointed by [both] parties, by virtue of which, shall be delivered the expressed
[p. #11] [dig.12]
sum, [by] Mariana Marcos, alias Voisin, or [by] Pelagia herself, shall [then] proceed [with respect to] the aforementioned, don Pedro Olivier, to grant the latter [Pelagia] the appropriate Deed of Freedom, and assessed of the costs, shall be paid with10 reales by the stated negra, Mariana, who brought forth this process.
[Signed:] The Baron de Carondelet [Rubric, Carondelet] [Signed:] Nicolas Maria Vidal [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord don Francisco Baron de Carondelet, Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John [of Jerusalem], Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty, with dictum and agreement of Lord Dr. don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General of the Government, which is signed in this City of New Orleans on the 23rd of February seventeen- hundred ninety-three.
[modern, in pencil] 5 [Signed:] Carlos Ximenez
On the aforementioned day, I made know the decree
[p. #12] [dig.13]
which precedes to don Pedro Olivier. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez
Notarized: On the same day, I made [it] known to Mariana Marcos Voisin. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez
On the same day, I, the notary, made known the decree which precedes to don Luis Liotau, Public Assessor and being aware of its contents, he said that he accepted, and swore by God and the Cross to do well and faithfully[of] his oath, and he signs as such. I attest,
[Signed:] Luis Liotau [Signed:] Carlos Ximenez
Assessment of costs of the proceedings undertaken for Mariana Marcos pertaining to granting freedom to Pelagia, her sister, with payment in reales, in conformity with what was ordered and taxed accordingly.
[Rubric, Carondelet] To Lord Baron de Carondelet of the Religious [Order] of St. Juan [of Jerusalem], Governor and Intendant-General
[p. #13] [dig.14]
6) of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty, 8 reales for two half-signatures and one whole__________8
[Rubric, Vidal] To Lord Dr. don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General of the Government, 10 reales for the judicial affairs assigned to him ____________10
[Notarized Signature, Guinault] To don Felipe Guinault, Representing Public Attorney, 5 reales for one petition___5
[Notarized Signature, Marigny] To don Pedro de Marigny, 11 reales for the estimate, which I verify____________11
[Notarized Signature, Canes] To Francisco Ramón Canes, 11 reales for the same reason____________11
[Rubric, Ximenez] To the notary, for his rights in what was done, written, and [his] services performed, 53 reales_________53
[Signature, Liotau] To the [Public] Assessor for the assignment of this [task], 2 reales__________2
New Orleans, February 23, 1793.
{100 total
{12 pesos, 4 reales
[Signed:] Luis Liotau [Rubric, Liotau]
[modern, in pencil] 6
“Curro” was a local term used to refer to free Black men in Havana. Los curros had never been enslaved, traced their ancestors to Andalucia, Spain, and occupied a freedom attached to land and space. In Cuba, the term also reflected a growing fear of free Black residents of the city; curros were said to dress outside of their station, live in marginal Black areas of the city, and speak with distinct “Spanish” dialect. In the document, Don Francisco Ramón Canes, Mariana’s appraiser, is referred to as “el curro.” ↩
In the Spanish colonial system, “morena/o” was used to refer to mixed-race people. Under the Spanish casta system that quantified race, however, morena/o was not a racial designation; rather, the term was typically used to describe physical attributes (in this case, an olive complexion) instead of a legal racial category. ↩