Julia Purchases Freedom for Medery
- Date
- 1793-03-11
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- Spanish
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
freedom suitfreedomemancipationkinshipfree people of colorcoartaciónfreedom papersvaluation
- LHC Scans
- www.lacolonialdocs.org
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
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- Publication Date
- 9-Aug-24
- Suggested Citation
- "Julia Purchases Freedom for Medery," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024, https://docs.k4bl.org/keywords/d0175.html.
Julia Fortier, a free Black woman, files a freedom suit to compel the fair valuation of Medery, who is enslaved by Antoine Joseph Picquery, and successfully purchases his liberty. This case is an example of coartación, a process enslaved people and their kinfolk used to force their owners to provide them with an estimate of their value so they could fund their own self-purchase.
Transcription (Spanish, diplomatic)
[folio 0 recto] [digital 2]
Año De_1793H
Julia Fortier solicitando dar la
libertad a el Negro nombrado Mendery
esclabo de Dn Juan Piquery por el
Precio De su estimación____
N.o 18
[moderno, a lápiz] March 11, 1793
[en lápiz rojo de archivo] 2999
VSor Gov.or }
[f. 0 verso] [dig.3]
[en blanco]
[f. 1r] [dig.4]
Julia Fortier Negra libre vecina de esta
ciudad en la mejor forma que haya lugar
en dřo ante V.S parezco y digo; que deseando
rescatar dela Esclavitud en quese halla
el Negro Medery Esclavo de M.r Piquery
sup.co a V.S. se sirva mandar que el dhe su
Amo, nombre un Estimador de su parte, pa=
ra que con el que nombre que los es D.n Vicen
te Fanguy, procedan a la Estimacion de
dho Negro Medery Portanto___
A V.S. Sup.co haverlo por nombrado proveer y mandar como pido Con Justicia costas
Juro no es de malicia &a_
Por Julia Fortier
[Firmado:] Felipe Guinault
Por presentada: y à tento à ser
para el fin que se propone de la
[f. 1v] [dig.5]
Libertad del Negro Medery, escla
vo de M.r Piquery, la Estima-
cion que se solicita de la persona
de aquel, procedase desde luego à
ella; para la qual se ha por nom-
brada por esta parte de Aprecia-
dor à d.n Vicente Fanguy à quien
se hara saber para su acceptacion,
Y Juramento que se comete, dandose
noticia de esta Providencia al Amo
del Esclavo, paraqe dentro de segundo
dia nombre otro Perito de su satis-
faccion con apercebimiento que des
no verificando, se hara de oficio.___
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r Baron de Carondelet
Caballero Dela religion de S.n Juan
Coronel Delos E.s extos, Governador e
Yntendente Grãl vice Patrono Real
[f. 2r] [dig.6]
ellas Prov.~ de la Luisiana, y Florida
Occidental e Ynspector de las tropas
veteranas, y milicias De estas por
S.M. Con dictamen del S.r D. D. Nicolas
Maria Vidal teniente Governador
y Auditor de Grrã De esta dha Prov.a
y Asesor gràl del Governo De esta por
S.M. y lo rubricanas en la cuidad de la
Nueba Orleans a onze de Marso
De mil setecientos, noventa, y tres años=
[Firmado:] Pedro Pedesclaux
[Rubrica, Pedesclaux]
Nf En dho dia lo hace saber a Julia Fortier,
Negra libre doy fee_______
[Firmado:] Pedesclaux Esno
[Rubrica, Pedesclaux]
Diligencia } En el mismo dia yo el S.no lo hace por
D.n Josef Coupery, y se me informo hacia
su rendencia en el cargo, para que
conne lo porpo por diligencia, doy feé==
[Firmado:] Pedesclaux Esno
[Rubrica, Pedesclaux]
y juramto }
En el mismo dia mes, y año yo el S.no
[f .2v] [dig.7]
hice saber a D.n Vincente Fanguy el
nombramiento de estimador que
por el decreto que antecedo sele hase,
quien acepto, y Juro por Dios y un a
cruz segun drõ Deproceder bien
y fielmente en el encargo que sele
hase, y lo firmo, doy fee____
[Firmado:] V=te Fangui
[Firmado:] Pedro Pedesclaux Enopub.co
[Rubrica, Pedesclaux]
[f. 3r] [dig.8]
Julia Fortier negra libre vecina de esta
Ciudad en los autos qe sigo contra Don Jph~
Piquery sobre conseguir la libertad del negro__
Mederie su esclavo por el precio de su justa ta-
sacion ante VS digo qe sele ha mandado al ante dho
nombrase tasador de su parte y en atencion a__
vendir al campo a una legua de esta Ciudad del
otro lado del rio, VS se ha de servir mandar dela
libre boleta De comparendo cometida su intimacion
a qualquier persona habil por tanto
AVS Suplico se sirva proveer y mandar
como pido con Justicia costas juro y para
ello &
Por Julia Fortier
[Firmado:] Felipe Guinault
Como lo pide
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveida el Sor Baron de Carondelet
Cav.ro de San Juan Coronel de
los reales Extos_____
[f. 3v] [dig.9]
Gov.or Int.e grãl, y Vice Patrono
real de las Pro.~ de la Luisiana
Con dictamen del Sor d.d, Nicolas
Ma Vidal Th.e Gov.or Auditor de grrã
y Asesor grãl del Gov.o y lo ru-
bricason en la Na Orleans
à Treze de Marzo de mil
Set.s nuvento y tres
[Firmado:] Pedro Pedesclaux Esnopub.co
[Rubrica, Pedesclaux]
N.f En dho dia lo his Saver à Julia
Fortier doy fe_____
[Firmado:] Pedesclaux Enopub.co
[Rubrica, Pedesclaux]
Nota,, Fue en el mismo dia se libro
la boleta qe se mando y lo
entreguè a la parte doy
[Firmado:] Pedesclaux E.sno
[Rubrica, Pedesclaux]
[f. 3r] [dig.10]
[en blanco]
Translation (English, modern)
[page #1] [digital 2]
[In the] Year of 1793 Julia Fortier, requesting the freedom of the negro named Mendery, esclavo of Don Juan Piquery, for the price of his [fair] valuation..
N.o 18
[modern, in pencil] March 11, 1793
[in archival red pencil] 2999
Your Lord Governor }
[p. #2] [dig.3]
[p. #2] [dig.4]
Julia Fortier, negra libre, resident of this city, in the way which is necessary by law, before Your Lordship, I appear and say that wishing to rescue from the slavery in which the negro Medery, esclavo of Mr. Piquery, is kept, I beg of Your Lordship to order that of his said master, to appoint an estimator on his behalf, so that, with which the named, Don Vicente Fanguy, they may proceed to the estimation of the aforesaid negro Medery. Thusly, I beg Your Lordship to appoint, provide and order as I ask with due justice. I swear [that I have] no malice, etc.
For Julia Fortier
[Signed:] Felipe Guinault
Motion filed: And in order to achieve the purpose proposed of the
[p. #3] [dig.5]
liberty of the negro Medery, esclavo of Mr. Piquery, the estimate, which is requested by this person [on his behalf], shall proceed immediately, [and] for which [purpose] has been appointed for this party as appraiser Don Vicente Fanguy who will be notified for his acceptance and oath, which [he shall] commit, [and] give notice of this provision to the master of the slave, so that within two days, he may appoint another expert of his satisfaction, with the warning that if this is not done, it will be executed ex officio.
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Baron de Carondelet, Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John [of Jerusalem], Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor and Intendant-General, Royal Vice-Patron
[p. #4] [dig.6]
of this Province of Louisiana and West Florida, and Inspector-General of all Veteran Troops and [Infantry] Militias by His Majesty, with dictum of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor and Civil Legal Advisor of this said Province, and Advisor General of this Government by His Majesty. And they signed in the City of New Orleans on [the] 11th of March of the year seventeen-hundred ninety-three.
[Signed:] Pedro Pedesclaux
[Rubric, Pedesclaux]
Notary Public
Notarized: On the said day I made known to Julia Fortier, negra libre. I attest,
[Signed:] Pedro Pedesclaux, Notary
[Rubric, Pedesclaux]
Proceedings } On the same day, month, and year, I, the notary, have made [it known] to Don Joseph Coupery, and [I] having been informed [that] he has dispensed of his charge, so with that it is done by due process. I attest,
[Signed:] Pedesclaux, Notary
[Rubric, Pedesclaux]
Notarized, accepted, and ordered }
On the same day, month, and year, I, the notary,
[p. #5] [dig.7]
made known to Don Vicente Fanguy the appointment as appraiser that is made to him by the above decree, who accepted and swore [oath] by God and the Cross, according to the law, to proceed well and faithfully in the task that is given to him and sign [as such]. I attest,
[Signed:] Vicente Fanguy
Before me
[Signed:] Pedro Pedesclaux, Notary Public [Rubric, Pedesclaux]
[p. #6] [dig.8]
Julia Fortier, negra libre, resident of this city, in the proceedings that I began against Don Joseph Piquery about achieving the freedom of the negro Medery, his slave, for the price of his fair valuation, before Your Lordship, has sent the aforementioned named appraiser on his behalf, and in consideration of coming from the countryside one league from this city on the other side of the [Mississippi] river, [I beg] Your Lordship order served freedom papers via subpoena, given charge to any able person, thusly. To Your Lordship, I beg you to provide and order as I request, with due justice, and by which I swear it, etc.
For Julia Fortier
[Signed:] Felipe Guinault
As requested.
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Baron de Carondelet, Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies,
[p. #6] [dig.9]
Governor, Intendant-General, and Royal Vice-Patron of this Province of Louisiana with dictum of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, CivilLegal Advisor, and Advisor General of the Government, which they sign in New Orleans on the 13th of March of seventeen-hundred and ninety-three.
[Signed] Pedro Pedesclaux, Notary Public [Rubric, Pedesclaux]
Notarized: On the said day I made [the decree] known to Julia Fortier. I attest,
[Signed:] Pedesclaux, Notary Public
[Rubric, Pedesclaux]
Note: It was on the same day that the papers were issued and sent, and I delivered them to the party. I attest,
[Signed:] Pedesclaux, Notary
[Rubric, Pedesclaux]
[p. #7] [dig.10]