Naneta St. Marc Frees Her Brother, Juan Pedro
- Date
- 1793-03-12
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- Spanish
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
coartacióndisabilityemancipationfreedomfreedom suitfreedom paperskinshipwellness
- LHC Scans
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
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- Publication Date
- August 9, 2024
- Suggested Citation
- "Naneta St. Marc Frees Her Brother, Juan Pedro," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024,
Naneta St. Marc, negra libre from the Attakapas Post, files suit against Don Salomon Prevot to secure the liberty of her brother, Juan Pedro (alias Bonhomme), after he sustained injuries from Prevot’s property during a hurricane. For this reason, Naneta demands that Juan Pedro’s just valuation be lowered. The cabildo agrees and commands that freedom papers be issued.
Transcription (Spanish, diplomatic)
[folio 0 recto] [digital 2]
Año de 1793
Promovidos por Naneta Saint Marc,
contra D.n Salomon Prevot Sobre que Se
atime á Juan Pedro aliaz Bonhome Su her
mano para Su Livertad_____
</u>N.o 145_</u>
Juez el Sor
Gov.or }
D. Carlos Ximenes
[moderno, a lápiz] March 12, 1793
[moderno, a lápiz rojo] #3001
[folio 0 verso] [dig.3]
[en blanco]
[f. 1r] [dig.4]
Naneta Saint Marc negra libre
habitante en el Puesto de Atacapas y actual
mente en esta Ciudad ante VS por medio de
Prõr publico digo qe tengo un hermano mio
nombrado Juan Pedro alias Bon homme
esclavo de Dn Salomon Prevot; el qual__
deseando libertad por el precio de Su Justa
estimacion para qe se verifique nombro__
por tasador de mi parte a Santiago Cofier
precediendo su accepon y Juramto, sir viendre
VS haberlo por nombrado y~ hacer saber
ala otra parte nombre otro para qe Se__
proceda a Su avaluo; participando y~ haciendo
presente al tribunal que dho negro bon
homme tiene muchos dolores procedentes de qe
en el primer [h]uracan le cayo sobre el cuerpo__
una choza adonde estaba por tanto___
AVS Suplico se sirva proveer y~ mandar como pido con Justicia costas Juro y~ para ello &
Por Naneta
[Firmado:] Felipe Guinault
[f. 1v] [dig.5]
Otrosi en atencion aque Dn Salomon
Prevot reside al campo a una legua
de esta Ciudad se ha de servir VS
mandar librarle boleta de comparendo
cometida su intimacion aqualquier
persona habil, pido Justicia ut
Por Naneta St Marc
[Firmado:] Felipe Guinault
Por presentada: en lo principal atento à ser
para el Fin que se propone de la libertad, la Estimacion, que se solicita de la persona del
Negro Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme; procedase
à ella; para la qual Se he por nombrado por esta
parte al sugeto que se expresa, a quien se hara
saber para su acceptacion y juramento q.e Se__
comete: y deve noticia de esta Providencia a Dn
Salomon Prevost, Ante del referido Esclavo para
Su inteligencia conprevencion de que nombre
otro perito de Su Satisfaccion dentro
de Segundo dia baja apercibimiento que
[f. 2r] [dig.6]
denocumplirlo, se executara de oficio; librandosele
en caso necesario La Boleta de comparendo, paraque
Se verifique la estimacion conforme se pide en el Otrosi: y pongase el Eslavo en el Deposito pu-
blico hasta la conclusion de esta Instancia.___
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
12 de Marzo
Proveyolo el Sr D.n Baron de Carondelet
Cav.o de la Relig.on de S.or Juan Coron.l de los R.s Extos
Gov.or Vise Patron è Int.e Grãl de esta Prov.a de la
Luisiana por S.M. con dictamen y acuerdo del
S.r D.r D.n Nicolaz Maria Vidal, Th.te de Gov.r Auditor
de Grrã y Asesor grãl del que lo rubricaron
en esta Cuidad de la Nueva Orleanz a doze de
Marzo de mil setecientos Noventa y tres
[Firmado:] Carols ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
N.n En dho dia hise Saver el que antesede
à Naneta Saint Marc, Negra, Libre doy fee
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
Nota } Que en de lo prevenido en el que antesede libre
la voleta que semanda loq.e entregue a la parte doy fee__
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 2v] [dig.7]
En dho dia hise Saver á Santiago Co
fier el de estimador que por
el que antesede Sele hase y ente
rado de Su contenido Dixo que asep
tava asepto y Juro por Dioz y la Crus
de haver vien y fielm.te su encargo y-
lo firmo de que doy fee_____
No pasó
[Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 3r] [dig.8]
D Salomon Prevo en los autos promovidos por Naneta Sains Negra Libre sobre que se
aprecie por peritor su hermano Juan Pedro
mi Esclavo para su libertad Digo: que some
ha hecho saver Nombre de mi parte otro
para que con el Nombrado por ella, Se
proseda ala Estimacion; y cumpliendo con
la mandado, Nombro de mi parte a D
Juan Bautista Mercier Habitante y
mi vecino quien tiene conveimiento bas
tante de las Calidades de dho Negro; y
en Su consecuencia
AVS haverlo por Nombrado, y
mandar hacer como pido con
Costas Juro lo nesesario &e
[Firmado:] Salomon Prevotz
[Firmado:] Antonio Mendes [Rubrica, Mendez]
[f. 3v] [dig.9]
3 Se ha pronombrado el sujeto que se_
expresa, á quien Se hara saber para__
Su aceptación y juramento, que se__
comete, dandose noticia a la otra__
parte para su inteligencia; y Fecho
procedase por ante el presente Escribano
à la Estimacion prevenida.___ ___
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r D.n Baron de Caron
delet Cavallero dela Religion de S.n Juan
Coronel de loz R.s Extõz Gov.or Vise Patrono é
Ynt.e Grãl de esta Prov.a dela Luisiana por
S.M. condictamen y acuerdo del S.r D.r D.n
Nicolaz Maria Vidal Th.te Gov.or Audi
tor de Grrã y Asesor Grãl del que
lo rubricaron en esta Ciudad de la Nueva Orle
anz a treze de Marzo de mil setecientoz No
Venta y tres años__
[Firmado:] Carols ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 4r] [dig.10]
dho dia hize saver a D.n Salomon Prevot
el que antesede doy fee_____
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dho dia lo hize saver a Nanet Sant
Marc Negra Libre doy fee_____
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dho dia hise Saver á D.n Juan Bautis
ta mercier el de estimador que
por el que antecede Sele hase, y entera
do desu contenido Dixo: que aseptava asep
tó y Juro por Dioz y la Crus de haver vien
y fielmente Su encargo y lo firmó de que
doy fee__
[Firmado:] JMercier
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 4v] [dig.11]
[en blanco]
[f. 5v] [dig.12]
Naneta St Marc parda libre, digo negra
libre en los autos que he promovido contra Dn Salomon Prevot sobre libertar a mi hermano
Juan Pedro alias Bonhomme negro su esclavo
por el precio de su estimacion ante VS digo
qe el tasador qe tenia nombrado no es inteligente en hacer avaluos en esta virtud nombro en
su lugar a Dn Luis Dauqueminil Demorand Sirviendose VS haberlo por nombrado en
la forma de estilo por tanto_____
AVS Supco se sirva proveer y mandar
como pido con Justicia Juro y para ello
Por Naneta St Marc
[Firmado:] Felipe Guinault
En caso de no haverse hecho todavia
[f. 5r] [dig.13]
la Estimacion, se ha por nombra
do para ella al Sujeto que se expre_
sa en lugar del que lo havia sido an_
_teriormente; y hagasele saver à aquel
para su aceptacion, y Juramento, que se
comete, dandose noticia a la otra parte
para su inteligencia.==
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r D.n Baron de
Carondelet Cavallero dela Religion de
S.n Juan Coronel de los R.s Extos Gov.or
Vise Patrono é Int.e Gral de esta Prov.a
de la Luisiana por S.M. condictamen y
á cuerdo del S.r D.r D.n Nicolas Maria
Vidal Gov.or Auditor de Grra y Ase
sor Grãl del que lo rubricaron en esta
Ciudad de la Nueva Orleans a quinze de
Marzo de mil setecientos Noventa y tres
[Firmado:] Carols ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 6r] [dig.14]
dho dia hise saver à Naneta S.t Marc, Negra
libre el que antecede doy fee__
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
Enla N.a Orleanz a deiz y seis de Marzo
de mil Setesientos noventa y tres hise Sa
ver à D.n Luis Dauquemenil de Morand
el decreto que antesede, y enterado de su
Contenido Dixó que aceptava, acepto y
Juro por Dios, y la Crus de hacer vien,
y fiel m.te su encargo, y firmo de que
doy fee______
[Firmado:] Louis Dauquemenil deMorant
[Firmado:] Carols ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
N.n En dho dia hize savera D.n Salomon Prevot
el que antesede doy fee__
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 6v] [dig.15]
Tasaz)sn .
En la Ciu.d de la Nueva Orle
eans; a deiz y seis de Marzo, de
mil Set.s novènta y tres años:
en virtad de lo dispuesto, y~ co
micion dada parecieron ante mi
el D.n Juan Bautista mer
cier; y~ D.n Luis Dauquemenil
de Morain, Terceros nombradoz
para la Tasaz.on del Negro Juan
Pedro, alías Bon home,(solicitada
por) esclavo de d.n Salomon Prebot,
solicitada por la Negra Naneta
Saint Marc; y haviedno cada
uno enteradose de La edad, círcuns
tancias, y Talentos del dicho Ne_
gro, espusieron: el nominado D,n
Juan Bautista Mercier, que lo
tasava en La Cant.d de Setecien-
tos p;s y el nominado D.n Luis
Dauquemenil de moran, en la de
Fres ciento s cincuenta: e s
[f. 7r] [dig.16]
poniendo cada uno, ser el valor que
han dado á dho. Negro, el que con
sideran Justo, y~ arreglado, y~ en el
que respectiva m.te lo apreciaban
con lo qual Se concluy-ó esta dí_
ligenz.a, que firmaron de que y-o
el, doy fee= testado= Solicita_
da por= no v@ __ __ ___
[Firmado:] Louis Dauquemenil deMorantz
[Firmado:] Mercier
Ante mi
[Firmado:] Carols ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 7v] [dig.17]
[en blanco]
[f. Xr] [dig.18]
[papel de hoja suelta, recto]
[f. Xv] [dig.19]
[papel de hoja suelta, verso]
[f. 8r] [dig.20]
Naneta Saint Marc negra libre,
en los autos que sigo contra Dn Salomon Prevot
sobre libertar a mi hermano Juan Pedro, alias
Bonhomme por el precio de su Justa tasa
cion, ante VS digo qe los tasadores nombra_
dos de una y otra parte no estan de acordes
en esta virtud VS se ha de servir nombrar
un tercero en discordia para qe Definitivam.te
señale el valor del citado mi hermano es_
clavo de dho D.n Salomon Prevot por tanto
AVS se sirva proveer y mandar
como pido con Justicia costas Juro y_
pa ello &____
Por Naneta Saint Marc
[Firmado:] Felipe Guinault
Se nombra por tercero en discordia
[f. 8v] [dig.21]
ã D.n Antonio Ramis ã quien
Se hará saver para su aceptaci-
on, y Juramento que Se Comete,
dandose noticia á las partes pa-
ra su inteligencia.=
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r D.n Baron de Ca
rondelet Cavallero de la Religion de
S.n Juan Coronel de los Exercitos Gov.or
Vise Patrono é Ynt.e Grãl de esta Prov.a
de la Luiciana por S.M. con dictamen
y acuerdo del S.r D.r D.n Nicolaz Maria
Vidal Th.te Gov.or Auditor de Grrã y Ase
sor Grãl del que lo rubricaron en
esta Ciudad de la Nueva Orleanz à vein
te de Marzo de mil Setecientos Noventa
y tres años___
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dha dia hize saver el
[f. 9r] [dig.22]
que antesede à Naneta Saint Marc doy
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dha dia mes y año yo el hize
saver a Dn Antonio Ramis el
de Tersero estimador que por el que
antecede sele hase y enterado de su conte
nido Dixo que azceptava azeptó y Juro
por Dioz y la crus de hacer vien, y fiel
mente Su encargo, y lo firmo de que doy
[Firmado:] Antonio Ramis
[Firmado:] Carols ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
Nn} En biente y un de dho mes, notifique
a D.n Salomon Prebot el anteced.te
Doy fee___
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 9v] [dig.23]
En la Ciu.d de la nueva orleans
abeinte yun de Marzo, de mil
Set.s noventa y tres: ante el S.or D.or
D.n Nicolas M.a Vidal, Th.te Gov.or Aud.or
de Grrã, y assesor g.l del pare
cio D.n Ant.o Ramis, de este vecin
dario Tercero nombrado en discor=
dia para la Tasaz.on del Negro
Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme,
esclavo de D.n Salomon Prebot,
y hallandose, presente dho Ne-
gro, que reconocio, impuesto de
sus circunstanz.s y hecho el Juicío
combeniente, Dixo: que Tasava
el nominado Juan Pedro en la
Cant.d de Frescientos cincuen_
ta p.s que es el valor que le
dá, el que Concidera tener, y~
en el que desde luego La ta
za, conforme a lo que ciente,
[f. 10v] [dig.24]
y-segun su inteligencia, y Saben,
con lo gual Se concluyo esta
diligencia que firmó, y rubricó
el S.or Th.te Gov.or de que yo el doy fee=
[Rubrica, Vidal]
[Firmado:] Antonio Ramis
Ante mi:
[Firmado:] Carols ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
Autos, y Vistos: Se declara ser el
legitimo valor del Negro Juan Pedro, ali
as Bon homme, Esclavo de D.n Salomon Pre-
vot, la cantidad de trescientos y cinquenta
pesos, en que ha sido estimado por el terce-
ro nombrado en discordia de los Peritos q.e
destinaron las partes. Y en conseqíuen
cía se manda, que entregando el referi
do Esclavo, õ por él la Negra Naneta
Saint Marc la expresada Suma, se
le otorgue ā aquel por el citado Prevot su
Amo la correspondiente Escritura de
[f. 10v] [dig.25]
Libertad pagando las costas causadas la
dicho Naneta, que ha promovido esta
Ynstancia con inclusion de veinte reales
de Asesoria.=
F[irmado:]. El Baron de Carondelet
[Rubrica, Carondelet]
[Firmado:] Nicolas M. Vidal
[Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r D.n Baron de Carondelet
Cavallero de la Religion de S.n Juan Coronel
de loz R.s Extõz Gov.or Vise Patrono è Ynt.e Grãl
de esta Prov.a dela Luisiana por S.M. con dic
tamen y acuerdo del S.r D.r D.n Nicolaz Ma
rìa Vidal Th.te Gov.or Auditor de Grrã y
Asesor Grãl del que lo firmaron en
esta Ciudad de la Nueva Orleanz a veinte
y dos de Marzo de mil setecientos Noven-
ta y trez años__
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
N.n En dho dia hize saver el auto que antese
de à Naneta Saint Marc, doy fee__
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 11r] [dig.26]
En beinte y tres de Marzo de
dho año notifiqué a D.n Salo_
mon Prebot, el auto anteced_
doy fee_____
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dho dia mez y año Yo el hise saver
el Auto que antecede à D.n Luiz Liotaud Ta
zador y entereado de su Dixo que aseptava asepto y Juro por Dioz y la Crus
de haser vien y fielm.te su encargo y lo fir
mo de que doy fee_____
[Firmado:] Luis Liutau [Rubrica, Liotau]
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
Tas.on de costaz de cartas de loz Autos formados por Naneta Saint
Marc Negra Libre sobre la estimac.on de su hermano Pedro
aliaz Bonhomme esclavo de D.n Salomon Prevot, p.a su livertad com
puestoz de | 11 . En conformidad de lo mandado y seg.n Aranz el
en la manera Sig.te____
[Rubrica, Carondelet] Al S.r Baron de Carondelet de la Reli
gion de S.n Juan Coron.l de los R.s Extõz
Gov.or e Ynt.e Grãl de esta Prov.a por SM
doze r.s por quatro mediaz firmas y
Una entera___________,,,,12
[f. 11v] [dig.27]
[Rubrica, Vidal] Al S.or D.r D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal Th.
te Gov.or Auditor de Grrã y As.or gral
del quarenta y dos realez por
la As.a que se asigno à | 10 b.ta y una
asìst.a ala estimaz.on de |,__,,,,42
[Firma notariada, Guinault] A D.n Felipe Guinault Procurador
quinze r.s por tres peticiones____,,,,15.
[Firma notariada, Mercier] A D.n Juan Bautista Mercier onze r.s por
la estimaz.on del Nego que verifico
à | 6 b.ta________,,,,11
[Firma notariada, Demorand] A D.n Luiz Dauqueminil De Moran on
ze r.s por la misma Rason_____,,,,11
[Firma notariada, Ramis] A D.n Antonio Ramis Tersero para
dha Estimaz.on que consta à | 9 btas_ onze
[Rubrica, Mendez] A D.n Antonio Mendes Procurador cinco r.s por una petis.on________,,,,5
[Rubrica, Ximenez] Al por sus drõz en lo actuado Es
Crito y ocupaciones setenta y cinco
[Rubrica, Liotau] Al Tazador por la Asignacion de esta
quatro r~________,,,,,,4
Nueva Orleanz 23 de Marzo de1793 { ,,186_____
{ ,,23 p.s 2 r.s
[Firmado:] Luis Liotau [Rubrica, Liotau]
Translation (English, modern)
[page # 1] [digital 2]
Year 1793
Proceedings for Naneta St. Marc,
against Don Salomon Prevot regarding his
held Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme, her
brother in regard to his freedom.
No. 145
Judge, the Señor
Governor }
Don Carlos Ximenes
[modern, in pencil] March 12, 1793
[modern, in red pencil] #3001
[p. #2] [dig.3]
[p. #3] [dig.4]
1 Naneta St. Marc negra libre,resident of the Attakapas Post and presently of this city, before Your Lordship by means of public attorney, I say that I have a brother of mine named Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme, esclavo to Don Salomon Prevot, who dreams of freedom based on the price of your just valuation. So that it can be verified, I name Santiago Cofier the appraiser on my part. Preceding his acceptance and oath to serve, Your Lordship appoint him, and make known to the other party named to take action for this appraisal. Participating and being present at the tribunal, the said negro Bonhomme has much pain coming from the fact that the previous hurricane caused a hut where he was staying for a while to fall upon his body. Thusly, Your Lordship, I beg that you serve to provide and order what I ask with due justice, and I swear to this, etc.
For Naneta
[Signed:] Felipe Guinault
[p. #4] [dig.5]
Furthermore, in attention to Don Salomon Prevot, residing on the outskirts a league from this city, that he be served. Your Lordship, order a summons to be issued subpoenaing him to the appropriate and able officials, I request justice as [stated] above.
For Naneta St. Marc
[Signed:] Felipe Guinault
To be filed: Attention to the following—to do what in the end is proposed for freedom, the estimation which has been requested for the negro Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme; proceed to this; for which has been named for this party the subject expressed, who will be informed for his acceptance and oath, which shall be committed: and give notice of this resolution to Don Salomon Prevost regarding the said slave, for his knowledge and understanding that he must name another appraiser of his satisfaction within two days. He is warned that
[p. #5] [dig.6]
with failure to comply, it will be executed ex officio, issuing, if necessary, a subpoena, so that the estimate can be verified according to the request made in the previous, and put the slave in public trust until the conclusion of this case.
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
[Marginal note:]
March 12th
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Francisco Baron Carondelet Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John [of Jerusalem], Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty, with the dictum and agreement of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General of the Government, who signed it in this City of New Orleans on the 12th of March seventeen-hundred ninety-three..
[Signed:] Carols Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
Notarized: On this day, I made known the decree which precedes to Naneta St. Marc, negra libre. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
Note } That in compliance with the provisions of the preceding decree, [I have] released the order to be sent and delivered to the party. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #6] [dig.7]
On this day, I made known to Santiago Cofier the appointment of appraiser by the previous decree and that, having been informed of its contents, say he accepts,[having] accepted swears by God and the Cross to do well and faithfully of his charge andsigns that which I attest.
All being well,
[Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #7] [dig.8]
3 Don Salomon Prevot in the proceedings begun by Naneta St. [Marc], negra libre, in regards to appraisal by an expert of her brother Juan Pedro, my slave, for his freedom I say: That I have been made aware to name my own expert so that, with the one named by her, we canbegin the valuation; and complying withwhat was ordered, I name on my behalf Don Juan Bautista Mercier, resident and my neighbor, who has much knowledge of the qualities of the aforesaid negro, and consequently,
to Your Lordship, I beg having named him, that you order to do what I request with due justice, I swear as is necessary, etc.
[Signed:] Salomon Prevot
[Signed:] Antonio Mendez [Rubric, Mendez]
[p. #8] [dig.9]
3 The man requested has been pronounced, to whom it will be made known for his acceptance and oath to be committed, giving notice to the other party for their knowledge, and dated before the the present notary to the forewarned appraisal.
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Francisco Baron de Carondelet Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty with the dictum and agreement of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor-General to the Government, which was signed in this City of New Orleans on the 13th of March seventeen-hundredninety-three.
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #9] [dig.10]
[On] the said day, I made known to Don Salomon Prevot the decree which proceeds. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
On the said day, I made it known to Naneta St. Marc, negra libre. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
On the said day, I made it known to Don Juan Bautista Mercier the named appraiser that by the previous decree was established, and informed him of its contents say: That he accepts, and [having] accepted and sworn by God and the Cross to do well and faithfully of his task and signs that which I attest.
[Signed:] J[uan Bautista] Mercier
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #10] [dig.11]
[p. #11] [dig.12]
Naneta St. Marc, parda libre, said negra libre in the proceedings, that I have brought against Don Salomon Prevot about freeing my brother Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme, negro, his esclavo for the amount of your appraisal before Your Lordship say that the appraiser that he had appointed is not intelligent with appraisals. In this virtue, I name Don Luis Dauquenminil Demorand in his place, if it serves Your Lordship, having been named in the [correct] form and manner, thusly.
To Your Lordship, I beg of you serve to provide and order as I ask with justice, I swear and for such, etc.
For Naneta St. Marc
[Signed:] Felipe Guinault
In case it has not been done yet,
[p. #12] [dig.13]
the estimation, [she] has named for her the subject that is expressed instead of the one who had been previously, and let him know for his acceptance, and oath, that is [to be] committed, [and] give notice to the other party for their understanding.
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Francisco Baron de Carondelet, Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty, with the dictum and agreement of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor,, and AdvisorGeneral of the Government, which was signed in this City of New Orleans on the 15th of March of seventeen-hundred and ninety-three..
[p. #13] [dig.14]
[On] the said day, I made known to Naneta St. Marc, negra libre, the decree which precedes. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
In New Orleans on the 16th of March of seventeen-hundred and ninety-three, I made known to Don Luis Dauquemenil Demorand the decree which precedes, and aware of its contents, he said he accepted, [and having] accepted and sworn by God and the Cross to do well and faithfully of his charge signs that which I attest.
[Signed:] Louis Dauquemenil Demorand
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
Notarized: On the said day, I made known [to] Don Salomon Prevot the preceding decree. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez
[p. #14] [dig.15]
[Marginal note:]
In the City of New Orleans, on the 16th of March of the year seventeen-hundred and ninety-three, under the provisions and election given, appeared before me, the notary, Don Juan Bautista Mercier and Don Luis Dauquenmenil Demorand, third parties appointed for the appraisal of the negro Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme, (solicited by) esclavo of Don Salomon Prevot, solicited by the negra, Naneta St. Marc, and having made each one aware of the age, circumstances, and talents of the said negro, they put forth the named Don Juan Bautista Mercier, who appraised him in the amount of 700 pesos; and the named Don Luis Dauquemenil Demorand, in the amount of 350,
[p. #15] [dig.16]
exposing each one of the value that they had given of the said negro, that which is considered just, and reasonable, and that isrespectively appreciated, concluded this procedure, which they signed that which I, the Notary, attest—undersign—appeal for non-sale.
[Signed:] Louis Dauquemenil Demorand
[Signed:] Mercier
Before me
[Signed:] Carols Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #16] [dig.17]
[p. #17] [dig.18]
[loose sheet of paper, front]
[p. #18] [dig.19]
[loose sheet of paper, back]
[p. #19] [dig.20]
Naneta St. Marc, negra libre in the proceedings begun against Don Salomon Prevot about freeing my brother Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme, for price of his fair valuation, before Your Lordship, I confess that the named appraisers for one party and the other are not in accordance. In this respect, if it serves Your Lordship, to name a third in dissension so that [it can be] definitively signaled the value of my stated brother, slave of the said Don Salomon Prevot. Thusly, of Your Lordship, I beg that you serve to provide and order what I ask with due justice, and I swear by it, etc.
For Naneta St. Marc
[Signed:] Felipe Guinault
Named as the third party in dissension
[p. #20] [dig.21]
is Don Antonio Ramis who will make known his acceptance, and make the oath which is to be committed, giving notice to the respective parties for their knowledge.
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Francisco Baron de Carondelet, Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor,Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty with dictum and agreement of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General to the Government, which they sign in this City of New Orleans on the 20th of March seventeen-hundred ninety-three..
[Signed:] Carols Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
On the said day, I made known the decree
[p. #21] [dig.22]
that precedes to Naneta St. Marc. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
On the said day, month, and year, I, the notary made known to Don Antonio Ramis, the appointed third appraiser, by which the decree that precedes had been established, and I say that he accepts, [and having] accepted and sworn before God and the Cross to do well and faithfully of his charge signs that which I attest.
Signed Antonio Ramis
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
Notarized } On the 21st of the said month, I notified Don Salomon Prevot the decree which precedes. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #22] [dig.23]
In the City of New Orleans on the 21st of March, of seventeen-hundred ninety-three: before the Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor-General of the Government appeared Don Antonio Ramis, of this neighborhood, the third named in dissention to valuate the negro Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme, esclavo of Don Salomon Prevot, and being present, the said negro, who is recognized [by the court], is informed of his circumstances and that the correct judgment has been made, said: That the valuation of the named Juan Pedro, in the amount of 350 pesos, which is the value that he [Ramis] assigns, is that which he [Bonhomme] is considered to have, and of which thereupon the appraisal is agreed to, according to what he feels is
[p. #23] [dig.24]
in accordance with his knowledge, and known, with which these proceedings are now concluded, and [as such is] signed [by] the Lord Lieutenant-Governor, to which, I, the notary do attest.
[Rubric, Vidal]
[Signed:] Antonio Ramis
Before Me
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
Ruling and proclamation: It is declared to be the legitimate value of the negro Juan Pedro, alias Bonhomme, esclavo of Don Salomon Prevot, the amount of 350 pesos, in which it has been estimated by the third party named in dissention of the [other] expertsappointed by the [two] parties. And consequently, he demands the delivery of the abovementioned slave, and by the negra Naneta St. Marc, the sum set forth, [and would thus] be granted to him by the said Prevot, his master, the corresponding Deed of
[p. #24] [dig.25]
Liberty, paying the costs incurred by the said Naneta, who has initiated this proceeding, [as well as] including 20 reales for the Office of the Assessor.
[Signed:] The Baron de Carondelet
[Rubric, Carondelet]
[Signed:] Nicolas Maria Vidal
[Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Don Francisco Baron de Carondelet, Knight of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by his majesty with dictum and agreement of the Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General of the Government,which was signed in this City of New Orleans on the 22nd of March seventeen-hundred and ninety-three.
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
N.n On the said day, I made known the judgment which precedes to Naneta St. Marc. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #25] [dig.26]
On the 23rd of March of the said year, I notified Don Salomon Prevot of the preceding ruling. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
On the said day, month and year, I, the notary, made known the ruling which precedes to Don Louis Liotau, Public Assessor, and informed of its contents said that he accepted, and [having] accepted swore before God and the Cross to do well and faithfully of his charge and signed that which I attest.
[Signed:] Louis Liotau [Rubric, Liotau]
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
Appraisal for the cost of documents drawn up for Naneta St. Marc, negra libre, about the valuation of her brother [Juan] Pedro, alias Bonhomme, esclavo of Don Salomon Prevot, for his freedom, including 11 [reales] in conformity with that which was commanded [as well as the sum] pursuant to customary fees in the following manner:
[Rubric, Carondelet] To Don Baron de Carondelet of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, and Intendant-General of this Province by His Majesty 12 reales for 4 half signatures and a full one_________12
[p. #25] [dig.26]
[Rubric, Vidal] To Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor-General of the Government, 42 reales for the juridical assessment at 10 bueltas and one [act of legal] aid for the estimation______42
[Notarized signature, Guinault] To Don Felipe Guinault, Public Attorney, 15 reales for 3 petitions_______15
[Notarized signature, Mercier] To Don Juan Bautista Mercier, 11 reales for the estimate of the negro that he verified at 6 bueltas________11
[Notarized signature, Demorand] To Don Luis Dauqueminil Demorand 11 reales for the same reason ____11
[Notarized signature, Ramis] To Don Antonio Ramis, third named for the said estimation that consisted of 9 bueltas, 11 reales_____________11
[Rubric, Mendez] To Don Antonio Mendez, Public Attorney, 5 reales for a petition____________5
[Rubric, Ximenez] To the notary for his fees in the written proceedings
and [his usual] occupation, 75 reales____________75
[Rubric, Liotau] To the assessor for the allocation of all of this 4 reales____________4
New Orleans, March 23, 1793 { 186
{ 23 pesos 2 reales
[Signed:] Luis Liotau [Rubric, Liotau]