Roseta Goes Back to Free Her Son, Lubin
- Date
- 1793-10-05
- Origin
- New Orleans
- Language
- Spanish
- Archive
- Louisiana Historical Center
- Keywords
freedom suitkinshipmotherhoodemancipationfreedomfree people of color
- LHC Scans
- Side-by-Side Transcription and Translation
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- Publication Date
- 9-Aug-24
- Suggested Citation
- "Roseta Goes Back to Free Her Son, Lubin," Keywords for Black Louisiana, published on August 9, 2024,
Roseta Montreuill, parda libre, had formerly been enslaved by Roberto Montreuil, resident of the City of New Orleans, but had successfully obtained her freedom prior to October of 1793. In these coartación proceedings, Roseta goes back for her son Domingo, alias Lubin, quarterón esclavo, who is still in the service of her former enslaver. She asks the cabildo for the opportunity to acquire a fair valuation of her son, begging for the judge to also take pity because Lubin is ill. With this taken into consideration, Lubin’s liberty is assured for the price of 425 pesos and court costs.
Transcription (Spanish, diplomatic)
[folio 0 recto] [digital 2]
año de___1793
Roceta mulata promueve la
tarajon desu hijo Lubin esco de
M.r Montreril p.a su libertad
N.o 136-
[moderno, a lápiz] Oct 5, 1793
[moderno, lápiz de archivo rojo] #3129
[f. 0 verso] [dig.3]
[en blanco]
[f. 1r] [dig.4]
Roseta Montreuil parda libre ante VS__
como mas haya lugar en drõ paresio y digo__
que deseando rescatar de la esclavitud en qe se
halla a mi hijo Domingo alias Lubin quar__
teron escalvo de Dn Roberto Montreuil
por el precio de su Justa tasacion, para qe
asi se verifique nombro por mi estimador a Dn
Christoval Badia, sirviendo se VS haber lo_
por nombrado previa su accepon y Juramento
y mandar ala otra parte nombre otro dentro__
de tercero dia y qe no executandolo se nom-
brara de oficio por tanto_______
AVS. Suplico se sirva proveer y mandar__
como pido con Justicia costas, Juro y para
ella &_____
Otrosi. en atencion aqe el citado mi hijo__
tenia la tiña y tubó una pierna e otro__
[f. 1v] [dig.5]
peada, se ha de servir VS mandar, se
tenga presente alos tasadores quando veri-
fiquen su estimacion, qe es Justicia qe
pido JSicut supra______
Por Roseta Montreuil
[Firmado:] Felipe Guinault
Por presentada: Ysiendo para el
fin que se expresa, de dar la libertad
al Mulato Domingo, alias Lubin, Escla-
vo que se dice ser de D.n Roberto Mon-
treuil, procedase desde luego ã la esti-
macion de su persoņa, como por esta
parte se pide; para cuya diligencia se
há por nombrado el sugeto, que se pro-
pone, ā quien se hará saber para su
aceptacion, y Juramento que se come-
te, dandose noticia de esta Providencia
al Amo de dicho Esclavo para su
inteligencia, con prevencion de
que nombrè otro Perito por su
parte para el proprio efecto den-
[f.2 r] [dig.6]
-tro de segundo dia, aprecibido que de
no cumplirlo se executrará de oficio: Y
tengase presente por los Apreciado-
res lo que se refiere en el otro si. =
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r Baron de Carondelet dela Relig.on
de S.n Juan Coron.l de loz R.s Extõz Gov.or Vise Patro )
no è Ynt.e Grãl de esta Prov.a dela Luisiana
por S.M. con dictamen y acuerdo del S.r D.r D.n
Nicolaz Maria Vídal Th.te Gov.or Auditor-
de Grrã y Asesor Grãl del que lo rubri
caron en esta Cíudad dela Nueva Orleanz á
cinco de Octubre de mil Setecientoz Noventa y
tres años—-
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dho dia hise Sauer el que antesede
a Roseta Montreuil doy fee____
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f .2v] [dig.7]
En la Nueva Orleanz dho dia Mez
y año Yo el hize saver a D.n Ro
verto Montroy el que antesede doy
f fee_________
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
N.n azeptaz.on
y }
En la Nueva Orleanz en dho dia hise saver
aD.n Christoval Badia el de esti-
mador que por el que antesede sele ha
se y enterado desu contenido Dixo que asep
tava aspetó y Juro por Dioz y la Crus seha
ser vien y fielm.te su encargo y lo firmó de
que doy fee____
[Firmado:] Christoval Badia [Rubrica, Badia]
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f.3 r] [dig.8]
D Roverto Montroy Cavallero dela R.s [Extõz] y
distinguída orden de San Luis por medio
de procurador en los autos promovidos por
Roseta Mulata Libre solicitando la Liber-
tad de Domingo Alias Loubin mi Esclavo_
por el precio de su Tasacion, Digo: que se me
ha hecho Saver Nombre un perito para
su Justiprecio; y cumpliendo con lo mandado
Nombro a D Santiago Veler apresiador para que haviendolo por Nombrado
se proseda a su estimacion como lo so-
licita Portanto_______
AVS haverlo por Nombrado y man-
dar hacer como pido con Jurr.a costas
Juro lo nesesario &a____
[Firmado:] Roberto Montreũĩl
[Firmado:] Antonio Mendes [Rubrica, Mendez]
Sehà por nombrado el sujeto que se
[f. 3v] [dig.9]
expresa, àquien se hara sáuer, para su
aceptacion, y Juramento que Se comete, dan
dose noticia àla otra parte para su Ynte
ligencia, y fechò prosedase ala estima
cion prevenida.__
[Rubrica, Carondelet] [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r Baron de Canondelet
de la Relig.on de S.n Juan Coronel de los
R.s Extõz Gov.or Vise Patrono è Ynt.e Grãl
de esta Prov.a dela Luisiana por S.M. que
lo rubrico con Dictamen del S.r D.r D.n Ni-
colaz Maria Vidal Th.te de Gov.or Auditor
de Grrã y Asesor Grãl del Govno en la
Nueva Orleanz à ocho de octubre de mil
Setecientoz Noventa y trez añoz.
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dho dia hize saver a D.n Ro_
[f. 4r] [dig.10]
Verto Montroy el que antesede doy
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dho dia Notifique a Roseta Montreuil
el que antecede doy fee____
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
N.n azeptaz.on
y }
En dho dia notifique a D.n Sant.
Belet el el tasador que
en el hace D.n Roberto Montre
ville, y aceptado lo Juró por Dios, y
la Crus hacer biens y fielm.te la
tarz.on p.a ql es nombrado, y firmó de
que doy fee____
[Firmado:] Jaque Billaire
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 4v] [dig.11]
Tarazon }
En la ciud.d de la Nueva Orleans,
a dies de òctubre, de mil Set.~ noven
ta y tres a~: para la para la taraz.on manda
da hacer del mulato Luis, alias
Lubin esclavo de D.n Robers mon
treuil parecièron ala presencia
de sus Sria. el S.or Baron de Cor_
rondelet dela relig.on de S.n Juan,
Coronel de los R.~ Extõs Gov.or vi-
ce patrono Rl e Yntend.te grãl D_n
Xptõval Badia, y D.n Santiago
Beler peritos nombrados el pré-
mero. por parte de Rozeta Multa
libre, madre de dho mulato Domingo
promovente de estas dilig.~ y el Segun_
por la del nominado D.n Roberto,
y haviendo ambos inteligentes re_
conosido al referido mulato Luis-
alias Lubin, hecho cargo sela
edad de dies y Siete años que
tiene, que su talentos y avili-
dades no son otros que picar,
[f. 5r] [dig.12]
y vender Carne con la enfermedar
de Fiña de que padece, la qual escon
tagiosa, y de dificil curaz.on con la que
tiene conta hida de un tumor en un
Fobillo del pie, dixeron: que median
te esto, tasaban, como desde luego ta
zaron dho mulato Domingo en la can_
tidad de quatro cientoz beinte y cinco
pesos, en que se acordaron, y- combí-
nieron ambos tasadares despues de
haver tratado, y conferencieado en
el particular; con lo qual LO
concluyõ esta diligenza que firmō
su Sria con dhos peritos de que
y el doy fee == estini=do Domingozes
[Firmado:] El Baron de Carondelet [Rubrica, Carondelet]
[Firmado:] Jaque Bellair
[Firmado:] Christoval Badia [Rubrica, Badia]
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 5v] [dig.13]
Autos, y Vistos Se declara por le-
gitimo valor del Mulato Domingo,
alias Lubin, Esclavo de D.n Roberto Mon-
treuil, la cantidad de quatrocientos, ve-
inte, y cinco pesos, en que de conformi-
dad lo han apreciado los Estimadores nom-
brados por ambas partes: Y en esta aten-
cion entregandose la expresada suma
por Roseta Montreuil, procedase por
el dicho D.n Roberto à otorgarle al refo-
rido Su Esclavo Domingo la correspon-
diente Escritura de Libertad, pagando las
costas la citada Roseta que ha pro-
movido esta Ynstancia para la qual
se tasen por D.n Luis Liotau en la for-
ma ordinaria con inclusion de dos pesos
de Asesoria_________
[Firmado:] El Baron de Carondelet [Rubrica, Carondelet]
[Firmado:] Nicolas M. Vidal [Rubrica, Vidal]
Proveyolo el S.r Baron de Corn
[Rubrica, Carondelet]
[f. 6r] [dig. #14]
delet dela Religion de S.n Juan Coronel
de los R.s Extõz Gov.or Vise Patrono e
Ynt.te Grãl de esta Prov.a dela Luiciana
por S.M. con dictamen y acuerdo del
S.r D.r D.n Nicolaz Maria Vidal Th.te de
Gov.or Auditor de Grrã y Asesor grãl
del que lo firmaron en esta ciu
dad dela Nueva Orleanz á dies y ocho
de Octubre de mil Setecientos Noventa
y tres anõs_________
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dha dia hise hise saver el
que antesede à Roseta Mulata doy fee
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
En dho dia lo dise sauer aD.n Roverto Mon
treuil doy fee____
[Firmado:] Ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[f. 6v] [dig.15]
En dho dia hise sauer a D.n Luis Liotaud Tasador de
Costas èl que antesede y enterado de su conteni
do Dijo que aseptava asepto y Juro por Dioz y
la Crus de haser vien y fielm.te su encargo y lo
firmo deque doy fee____
[Firmado:] Luis Liotaud [Rubrica, Liotau]
[Firmado:] Carlos ximenes [Rubrica, Ximenez]
Tas.or de costaz delaz dilig.s practicadoz por Roseta Mulata sobre pretendes
se estime à Domingo Lubin su hijo p.a darte su Livertad compuestoz
de |6 en con formidad de lo mandado y Seg.n Aransel R.s en la manèra
[Rubrica, Carondelet] Al S.or Baron de Carondelet dela Relig.on de S.n Juan
Coronel de loz R.~ Extõz Gov.or Ynt.e grãl de esta Prova
dela Luciana ppr sello doze r.s por quatro firms
los dos de Med___________,,,,12.
[Rubrica, Vidal] Al S.or D.r Nicolaz M.a Vidal Th.te Gov.or Aud.or de grrã de
esta Prov.a p.r sello y Ases.or g.l del de ella di
es y Seiz r.~ la ases.a q.e se asigna a |5bta_,,,,16.
[Rubrica, Mendez] Ad.~ Ant.o Mendes Procurador cinco r.s por
y una Petison________,,,,,,5.
[Firmado:] Guinlt [Rubrica, Guinault] Ad.~ Felipe Guinault Proc.or cinco r.s p.r uno Petizon__,,,,,5.
[Rubrica, Badia] Ad.~ Christov.l Badia Estimor onzo r.s por la
q.e verificó a |11.bta_____,,,,11.
[Firmado:] Bellair [Rubrica, Bellaire] Ad.~ Santiago Bellair q.e la es Pu.Co onze r.s la misma
[Rubrica, Ximenez] Al p.r Su drõz delo y ocupasion~ quaren
ta y tres r~________,,,,43.
[Rubrica, Liotau] Al Tas.or p.r la asigonz.on de esta dos r~______,,,,2
Nueva Orleanz 18 de de1793 {_105
{,,,,13p.s 1r.l
[Firmado:] Luis Liotaud [Rubrica, Liotau]
Translation (English, modern)
[page # 1] [digital 2]
[In the] Year of 1793 Roseta, mulata, seeks the valuation of her son Lubin, esclavo of Mr. Montreuil, for his freedom.
No. 136
[modern, in pencil] Oct 5, 1793
[modern, red archival pencil] #3129
[p. #2] [dig.3]
[p. #3] [dig.4]
Roseta Montreuill, parda libre, [comes] before Your Lordship, as is accorded under parish law, and I say that I wish to rescue my son Domingo, alias Lubin, quarterón esclavo of Don Roberto Montreuil for the price of his fair valuation, so that this [price] can be verified, I name as my estimator Don Christobal Badia, if it serves Your Lordship to have him appointed, pending his acceptance and oath, and order of the party to name another [on his behalf] within three days, and that [if it is] not executed, one shall be appointed ex officio. Thusly.
To Your Lordship, I beg you to provide and order as I request, with due justice, to which I swear and [I swear] for her, etc.
Furthermore, in view of the fact that the aforementioned, my son, had ringworm in one leg and lost the other,
[p. #4] [dig.5]
[take] pity, if it serves Your Lordship, to order [that] the appraisers should remember this when verifying their estimation, which is the justice that I ask. As above,
For Roseta Montreuil
[Signed:] Felipe Guinault
To be filed: And being for the purpose expressed, to give the freedom to the mulato, Domingo, alias Lubin, esclavo, who is said to [belong to] Don Roberto Montreuil, [shall] proceed immediately to the estimation of this person, as requested by this party; for the purpose of which action, thus appointing the subject who is proposed, to whom such will be made known for his acceptance and oath to be committed, having been notified, of this province, the master of the aforementioned esclavo for his knowledge, [the court] taking precautionary measures of naming another expert for his behalf for the same purposes within
[p. #5] [dig.6]
two days, [as] it has been agreed, that if it is not complied with, this will be executed ex officio: And[that] it be kept in mind by the appraisers that which has been referenced to in the other [statement].
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Baron de Carondelet of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty with dictum and agreement of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General of the Government, which they sign in this City of New Orleans on [the] 5th of October of seventeen-hundred ninety-three.
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
On the said day it was made known the decree which precedes to Roseta Montreuil. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #6] [dig.7]
In New Orleans on the said day, month, and year, I, the notary, have made known to Don Roberto Montreuil the decree which precedes. I attest,
[Signed:] Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[Marginal note:]
Notarized, accepted,
and decreed }
In New Orleans on the said day it is made known to Don Christobal Badia, the appointment of appraiser for the decree which precedes, he has received it and, aware of its contents, said that he accepts and swears by God and the Cross, to serve well and faithfully his charge, and he signs as such. I attest,
[Signed:] Christobal Badia [Rubric, Badia]
[Signed:} Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
[p. #7] [dig.8]
Don Roberto Montreuil, Knight of the Royal [Armies] and
the distinguished Order of St. Louis, by the means of a solicitor in the proceedings begun for Roseta, mulata libre, requesting the freedom of Domingo, alias Loubin, my esclavo, for the price of his valuation, I say: that I have been made aware [to] name an expert for his fair valuation; and, complying with the order, I name Don [Jacques] Santiago Bellaire public appraiser so that, having appointed him, his estimate can be carried out as requested. Thusly_______
To Your Lordship, I beg you for having appointed him and [that you] order to be done as I ask, with due justice. I swear as necessary, etc.
[Signed:] Roberto Montreuil
[Signed:] Antonio Mendes [Rubric, Mendez]
The subject will be named as
[p. #8] [dig.9]
expressed, to whom it will be made known, for his acceptance, and [his] oath be taken, giving notice to the other party for his knowledge [of it], and [so that we can] proceed with the anticipated estimation.
[Rubric, Carondelet] [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus ordered: [By] the Lord Baron de Carondelet of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty that is signed with dictum of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General of the Government, in New Orleans, on [the] October 8th of seventeen-hundred and ninety-three..
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubric, Ximenez]
On the said day I made known to Don Ro-
[p. #9] [dig.10]
berto Montreuil the decree which precedes. I attest,
[Firmado:] Ximenez [Rubrica, Ximenez]
On the said day I notified Roseta Montreuil the decree which precedes. I attest,
[Firmado:] Ximenez [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[Marginal note:]
Notarized, accepted,
and decreed }
On the said day I notified Don [Jacques] Santiago Bellaire the appointment [of] appraiser that was made by Don Roberto Montreuil, and accepting it, he swore by God and the Cross to do right and faithfully the task for which he was appointed and signed that which I attest.
[Signed:] Jacques Bellaire
[Firmado:] Ximenez [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[p. #10] [dig.11]
[Marginal note:]
In the City of New Orleans, on [the] October 10th, seventeen-hundred and ninety-three for the, for the valuation ordered [to] be made of the mulato Luis, alias Lubin, esclavo of Don Roberto Montreuil, appeared in the presence of Your Lordship, the Lord Baron de Carondelet of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron, and Intendant-General, Don Christobal Badia, and Don [Jacques] Santiago Bellaire, experts appointed [for the] first by Roseta, mulata libre, mother of mulato Domingo, promoter of these proceedings, and the second for the appointed Don Roberto and, having both [of them] intelligence, recognised the aforementioned mulato Luis, alias Lubin, taken charge at the age of 17, that has his talents and abilities, which are none other than mincing
[p. #11] [dig.12]
and selling meat with the ringworm disease from which he suffers, which is contagious, and difficult to cure, with which he has contracted from a tumor in the ankle of his foot, they said: That by means of this they assessed, as of they would, the said mulato, Domingo, in the amount of 425 pesos, in which they agreed, and both appraisers concurred after having discussed and conferred on the matter, whereupon, this proceeding is concluded and signed, Your Honor, by two experts, of which I, the notary, attest of the estimate of Domingo.
[Signed:] The Baron de Carondelet [Rubric, Carondelet]
[Signed:] Jacques Bellaire
[Signed:] Christobal Badia [Rubric, Badia]
Before me
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[p. #12] [dig.13]
Decided and decreed: It is hereby declared legitimate the value of the mulato Domingo, alias Lubin, esclavo of Don Roberto Montreuil, [in] the amount of 425 pesos, in which, in accordance, he has been valuated by the appraisers named by both parties, and in this regard, the aforementioned sum being paid by Roseta Montreuil, that Don Roberto proceed to granthis slave, Domingo, the corresponding Deed of Freedom, the costs being paid by the aforesaid Roseta,who has initiated these proceedings, for which they are assessed by Don Luis Liotau in the ordinary manner, with the inclusion of 2 pesos for the Assessor.
[Signed:] The Baron de Carondelet [Rubric, Carndelet]
[Signed:] Nicolas Maria Vidal [Rubric, Vidal]
Thus order by the Lord Baron de Carondolet
[Rubric, Carondelet]
[p. #13] [dig.14]
of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, Vice-Patron and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana by His Majesty with dictum and agreement of Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor, and Advisor General of the Government, who signed in this City of New Orleans on [the] 18th of October of seventeen-hundred ninety-three.
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubrica, Ximenez]
On the said day it was made known the decree which precedes to mulata Roseta. I attest,
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubrica, Ximenez]
On the said day it was made known to Don Roberto Montreuil. I attest,
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubrica, Ximenez]
[p. #14] [dig.15]
On the said day it was made known to Don Luis Liotau, Appraiser, the costs [of] the decree which precedes and, having been informed of its contents, said that he accepted, and [having] accepted swore by God and the Cross to do well and faithfully his charge and signed that which I attest.
[Signed:] Luis Lioutau [Rubrica, Liotau]
[Signed:] Carlos Ximenez [Rubrica, Ximenez]
Assessments of costs of the proceedings conducted for [the] mulata Roseta, on which [she] seeks to have estimated Domingo Lubin, her son, to give him his freedom, composed of 6 [reales] in accordance with the orders and also the royal tariffs in the following manner:
[Rubric, Carndelet] To the Lord Baron de Carndelet of the Religious [Order] of St. John, Colonel of the Royal Armies, Governor, and Intendant-General of this Province of Louisiana for seals, 11 reales for 4 signatures and the 2 halfs___________12
[Rubric, Vidal] To Lord Dr. Don Nicolas Maria Vidal, Lieutenant-Governor, Civil Legal Advisor of this Province for seals, and [as] Advisor General of this Government 6 reales for the juridical assessment at 5 bueltas_____16
[Rubric, Mendez] To Don Antonio Mendez, Public Attorney, 5 reales for [his service] and a petition__________5
[Signed:] Guinault [Rubric, Guinault] To Don Felipe Guinault, Public Attorney, 5 reales for one petition______5
[Rubric, Badia] To Don Christobal Badia, appointed appraised, 11 reales for that which he verified________11
[Signed:] Bellaire [Rubric, Bellaire] To Don
Santiago Bellaire, [on behalf of the] public, 11 reales for the same reason ____________11
[Rubric, Ximenez] To the Notary Public for his rights in the written proceedings and [his usual] occupation, 43 reales______43
[Rubric, Liotau] To the Assessor for that which was assigned in this 2 reales___2
New Orleans, 18 October, 1793 {_105
\{13 _pesos_ 1 _real_
[Signed:] Luis Liotau [Rubric, Liotau]